Viewing the 'Nieces' Category
January 18th, 2011 at 02:46 am
I took my youngest niece to see Narnia today. It was worth seeing, but not as good as the first two, in my opinion. Spent $12 on tickets - at least it wasn't 3-D this time. Really tired of that trend.
We went to Wendy's for lunch beforehand. Niece was telling me about their new fries and how good they are. I agree they are pretty good. I haven't been there in months. Spent $13.18
After the movie we went to Cold Stone for ice cream. I brought half of mine home since I was still full. Spent $8.18
Had a good time with niece. Talked about several things including early retirement and how saving your money gets you good things in life. Also talked about college and how so many kids end up spending so much for college and then get a job that doesn't pay the loans and basic living expenses. Her new plan is to become a surgeon, but only in 10th grade so lots of time to decide for sure.
When I brought her back home her mom had locked her out. Good thing I always wait to make sure they get in the house safe. They live out in the middle of nowhere. I took her to my mom's since they have an extra key and then drove her back home.
I finished reading my book Raven's Strike by Patricia Briggs. Sci/Fi - very good.
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November 7th, 2010 at 09:42 pm
My sister and I took the 2 hour drive up to visit my neice in college again yesterday. I took her another bag of groceries that I got free in the last week. Included was a toothbrush that she was happy to see, she said she just put that on her list of things to buy. She got sick on Halloween and was really happy that I brought her Contact last week since she didn't have to buy that.
We went to Sears where they were giving a presentation of a new product called Mr Sticky. They announced they were giving out free stuff. So my neice wanted to see what it was. They gave out a small piece of cloth that you can use to clean your glasses. It works well, but not worth listening to a sales pitch.
Next we went to Sam's club to try to get my neice on her parents card, but you can only have 2 cards per house, so they need to rethink that and see if one them needs to be taken off. Plus in this day and age they still automatically put the husband down as the primary owner, regardless of the fact that my sister filled out the form and paid for the card. He wasn't there so they couldn't do anything without his sayso. Sexism prevails. She's been running into that problem alot lately since they are getting a divorce. But she does all the bills and phone calls, and she's the primary bread winner, so even though she's the one paying the bills and setting up the service, he's still listed as primary on everything and she can't make changes unless he says so.
At Sam's I picked up an Avatar DVD for my youngest neice for xmas and a fleece lined hoodie for me. The DVD was $20 and the hoodie was $15.
We went to Red Robin for lunch since that was neices choice. $10.70 and then to a local farmer's market that she wanted to check out, but not alone. I got a small bottle of Black Bing Cherry Cider - $6.99. This was really good. Smooth not too tart.
Before we left we went back to Sam's where sister used her card to get gas for neice. It was $2.54/gal which is .25 cheaper than down here.
This morning I made a really indulgent breakfast. French toast with vanilla and cinnamon and real maple syrup and hash browns. Yummy!
I got the following stuff for free this week. It was a very good week for free stuff.
Curel lotion sample
3 tubes Crest toothpaste
$25 free groceries from pharmacy rewards
1 roll Basic paper towels
4 Propel water
Secret deodorant
6 pack Olay bar soap
4 bags Ricola cough drops
3 tubes Colgate toothpaste
2 cans Multigrain Pringles
3 boxes American Beauty pasta
1 24 ct Advil
2 boxes Ronzoni spaghetti
3 Colgate toothbrushes
3 Honest Tea
3 cans Chunky soup
2 pouches Idahoan potatoes
microfiber glass cleaner cloth
$50 check from credit card company for rewards
I didn't forget about writing a post on budgeting as someone asked for, I just haven't got around to it. I probably won't now until after my surgery on Wednesday, but I'm still planning on it.
I finished reading my book Stalking Darkness by Lynn Flewelling. Sci/Fi - pretty good.
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November 5th, 2006 at 05:38 am
my vacation is officially started. I quit at 4:00 yesterday so of course my boss calls at 4:10 to discuss my assignments - blehhh. On the phone for 20 min. I worked till midnight 2 days this week and to 10 on one day. They hired two new people for the next release, but it doesn't really help since they can't learn enough to be helpful in that amount of time, plus it usually takes about a month to get them computers.
Today I had my youngest neice over to spend the night. We went shopping, to a movie and dinner.
Barnes and Noble - 10% off one book.
Borders - 30% off one book with $10 purchase
Movies - free - had an adult and a child movie pass from some smoking company. Got free if promise to talk to your kids about not smoking. Worth $10.50 We saw Open Season, it was cute, but not great.
Candy and drink for her - $5.00
Red Robin for dinner - $15
Wal-Mart - got friends kids xmas gift as well as 3 gifts for Toys for Tots. Also got groceries and some more books, plus xmas ideas for niece. Niece bought herself a video game and played with it the rest of the night.
My niece told me she wants to play a joke on her mom. Instead of having a sign on the car windows saying, "Objects are closer than they appear" she wants to put up a sign saying, "Objects are older than they appear". Not sure her mom will appreciate the joke 
Good start to vacation.
Posted in
September 21st, 2006 at 04:05 am
walked with mom for 50 min
I guess if you don't post for a while your blog goes into hibernation too Basically I've just been working so much I couldn't stand looking at the computer for another few minutes everyday to keep up with the blogging. I did get on once or twice a week to catch up with my favortie blogs.
I haven't been keeping up with my spending, but then again I've been working so much I haven't spent a lot either. Mostly on things like fast foods though which is bad.
I took my niece to the annual miniature show in Denver a couple of weekends ago and we had a great time. She's taller than me now and so beautiful. She gets her driver's permit this week.
Went to the youngest nieces bday party. She's almost as tall as me too and she's 3 years younger than the older one.
Hopefully my life will get back to normal and I can start catching up on all the things I let slide the last 4 months. I got my mid-year review and it was great. My next level boss told me he hopes I know how much he appreciates my work. I kind of laughingly told him, if he didn't think I was doing a good job, it was his problem not mine . On a team of 17 people I did 20% of the work for the last 4 months. That's insane!
Thanks to everyone for inquirying about me and letting me know you missed the blog, I appreciate the comments.
Posted in
July 29th, 2006 at 05:24 am
walked with mom 55 min yesterday and again today.
I took off most of the day yesterday. Ended up working 2 hours in the morning. Despite taking the rest of the day off, I still ended up working 44 hours this week.
Took youngest niece to Red Robin for lunch. Spent $15.29
We went to see Pirates of the Caribbean. I liked it, but thought it was little intense for her. I really don't understand her mother. She took her to see this movie too, but wouldn't let me take her to see Monster House, because she thought it was too intense. Pirates starts out with people in cages getting their eyes plucked out by birds! How intense is that? It has cannibals and hugh monsters and voodoo queens. I don't get it. Anyways, spent $10.50
We got ice cream when the movie was over. Spent $3.86. It was a long movie - 3 hours.
After that we went to a glow in the dark miniature golf place. That was fun. She won a free pass for the next time. Spent $14.00
Went to Kmart and bought another shirt for me, plus a game of Rook for my parents for xmas and a think of tic-tacs for niece. Spent $16.57
My niece category is going to be pretty high this month for spending. Oh well, they're only young for a short time.
Got a sample of Sensodyne toothpaste in the mail. Gave it to mom.
I haven't read a book this entire week. I think that's the longest I've ever gone with completing a book. I have about 120 pages left on one that I started Sunday. Hopefully I can get some reading done this weekend.
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July 21st, 2006 at 05:30 am
walked with mom for 55 min
Clinique finally had a free sample deal so I took a comp day off from work to take my niece in to Dillards to get her makeover, which was part of her bday present from June.
She was so excited and loved the finished product. I thought she looked gorgeous! Many people have compared her to Sandra Bullock. I bought her the foundation and blush that was used in the makeover and she got a free lip gloss and moisturizer sample. Spent $40.64
We went to the Driver's license place in the mall and picked up a driver's handbook for her too. Her parents keep 'forgetting'.
Went to Kmart and I bought a new pair of jeans and a t-shirt for me. Spent $22.26
Next was Barnes and Noble where I had a 15% off coupon and got the other niece a book for her bday in Sept. Spent $5.34 Also picked up a form for her to get a free book if she reads 8 more books this summer.
Longs was next, where I got some pressed powser for my niece, plus they had Garnier Fructis styling products free after rebate and I had a $1.00 coupon. Bought a couple of pairs of earrings for me, Kleenex for .89 cents a box and index cards on sale for .34 cents.
We went to Jason's Deli for dinner. Spent $15.35
Next stop was Walgreens. The had Herbal Essences free after rebate and I had a $2.00 coupon so got that for my niece. Also picked up Sunsilk shampoo, FAR and Cura-Heat FAR. Got 2 packages of notebook paper on sale at 2/$1 and a rebate of $1, so free. Niece picked out 3 new nailpolishes that I got to finish up her present. Got some dixie paper plates on sale for $1.99. Have a form to get a $10 Blockbuster GC when make any Dixie purchase. Spent $20.95
I will get $13.50 back in rebates and a $10 GC to Blockbuster.
Last stop was Albertson's for gas. Spent $2.86/gal. Total $27.33
So all in all a very good day. She was very happy and that made me very happy.
To top it all off I got a $25 Borders GC in the mail for my Discover card rebate.
Finished reading the library book Danse Macabre by Laurell K Hamilton. Supernatural. Excellent. Love these books.
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July 12th, 2006 at 03:45 am
walked with mom for 55 min. She invited me over for steak and baked potatoes. Yum. My oldest niece is there alone, the younger one is at camp this week.
My youngest niece constantly steals from the older one and I was talking to her about different hidden safes she could store in her room. We looked for some on the internet but they are pretty pricey for a teenager. The book safes all have ridiculous titles that would stick out on her bookshelves. We did find a candle one that I will probably get her for xmas. I'll look around for some other options too.
Finished reading the library book Crazy Kisses by Tara Janzen. Romance. Good.
Posted in
July 10th, 2006 at 05:00 am
walked with mom for 55 min
Went to Safeway and spent $6.74 on groceries. Went to the 7-11 and got a newspapter for $1.50
My friend and her niece came over today as well as my oldest niece. The two girls are about the same age and we had wanted to get them together for awhile.
We went to Chili's for lunch. Spent $25 and then back to my house were we watched My Fair Lady and everyone worked on craft projects. I keep a bunch of things around for the girls to work on while they are here.
After my friend left, I took my niece to Village Inn for dinner. Spent $17
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June 29th, 2006 at 05:17 am
walked with mom for 55 min
Safeway has buy 4 12 pack fridge packs for $10 and get a rebate at checkout for $10 on either coke or pepsi products. I'll definitly have to check it out this week.
Slightly better work day today, only worked 9 hours. Broke a blood vessel in my eye, don't know if it's related to all the computer work or not, I know my eyes have been hurting.
Sent off for a $2.99 Hunt's ketchup rebate and my Long's June rebate today.
Read the Kiplinger's magazine.
Had dinner at mom's with nieces. Sister is out of town and mom has them for 2 days. Stayed for awhile and worked on crafts with them. They are both very talented and creative.
Posted in
June 25th, 2006 at 05:27 am
took my youngest niece to see Xmen. It's rated PG-13 and we checked it out on line and her mom agreed she could see it. She is 11. I liked the movie and so did she, but I was a little surprised at the ending. I wasn't expecting that level of violence and I'm not sure what she thought of it. I was also upset about the previews that they showed for movies like the Omen, very disturbing images for children. We had lunch at the theater and I spent $22.00 for tickets and food.
Next we went to Claire's. This is an accessory store and both of my nieces can spend hours in there. I let her look for at least a half hour before I told her we needed to get going. She bought several small girly items.
We went to Coach House gifts after that and I got her a cool watch for her bday. Spent $10.73
Then on to Barnes and Noble where I spent $14.48 using my free GCs.
Best Buy was next were I got a CD she wanted for her Bday for $15.36 - $10.00 reward certificate I had.
On to Cold Stone for ice cream. I had a coupon to get a free kids ice cream when you buy a medium ice cream. So we did that, only I ate the kids ice cream and she had the larger size. This was perfect I'd like to do this everytime I go there. The kid's ice cream was just the right size and was only $1.50 vs the medium which is $3.96 with tax.
At Longs they had the new collapsable rubbermade containers as a BOGO and I had 2 $1 off coupons so I used those and also bought a couple other items. Total $11.58
Target was next where she bought some flip-flops for a $1 and some nail junk.
Then we went to Big Lots and I spent $8.87.
Last stop was Jason's Deli for dinner. Spent $16.20
By the time I got home it was raining so I wasn't able to walk with mom.
I was asking my niece about college or if she had any ideas what she wanted to do for a living and she really surprised me. She said she wants to go to the Air Force Academy and then be in the National Guard. Who Knew? That's a very unusual career choice for an 11 year old girl. 
Finished reading the library book Beach House by James Patterson. Mystery, great book with a very surprising ending.
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May 29th, 2006 at 05:00 am
My mom has a blister on the bottom of her foot so we didn't walk today.
Went to Chili's for lunch. They have a deal if you buy a $25 gift card they give you $5 extra. So I bought $50 in gift cards and lunch was free with the $10 they gave me. The Chili's is new to our little town. We're getting a lot of new stores right now. Kohl's and WalMart. I'm waiting for my credit union to move here, which is supposed to happen next year and I'm also waiting for Walgreens and Wendy's. Both are supposed to be sometime this year.
Went to my sister's for dinner. We celebrated my nieces 15th bday. They are going to be on vacation in the East on the actual day, so we had it early. I gave her half of her present. The other half is to take her to Clinique to get a makeover and I'll buy her foundation and blush. That's expensive stuff, but at her age name brand is important, plus the experience will be fun. I'll do that when they get back from their vacation and when I see that Clinique is offering a gift with purchase.
I took some books for her to read over the summer too. As I was going through my books I kept saying maybe in a couple of years. Most of my books have adult themes that aren't suitable for them yet. I did find a few for her to read. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn was one of them. I love that book. I hope she likes it too.
I need to do two things with the younger niece to catch up to the older one. She was grounded and I couldn't do one of the things I had planned and I got out of sync. I try to take them one at a time and do something special at least once a month.
I got groceries and spent around $17. I don't have the exact figures since the reciept is downstairs.
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May 7th, 2006 at 05:46 am
walked with mom for 55 min
Took my niece to Village Inn for breakfast. Spent $16.18
Went to King Sooper's for contact paper for floor of miniature room. $4.25. Also bought the latest John Sandford paperback, Broken Prey, for 25% off. Spent $8.
Went to Subway for lunch. $9.78
Spent 4 hours on the computer trying to get the 3 free music downloads I got with each tube of Aquafresh toothpaste. I think they make this as aggravating as possible so you don't redeem these. First you have to download their software to download the music. It took 20 minutes, ridiculous with DSL. Then you had to reboot your computer. Then you had to log back in to Aquafresh and get your numbers redeemed to get the code, then you had to go the music place and register there and log in there and get another code to use. Finally you got to pick 3 songs. Once you did that, you could download them. Another 30 - 40 minutes to download the 3 songs.
I had 3 sets of 3. On the last set of 3 my niece couldn't think of any more songs she wanted and the system timed out and logged us off of the music place. When I logged back in it said I had already redeemed the codes. Stinks!!!
The whole thing was extremely frustrating. 4 hours wasted in my opinion. But I guess my niece is happy with the 6 songs she did get.
We spent the rest of the day working on our miniature room project. Currently we are working on two dorm rooms. Same furniture, walls and floors in each room. One room will belong to a neat and proper girl and the other room belongs to a messy and unconventional girl. She's very excited about the project.
After I took her home, stopped at mom's to walk and they invited me for tacos and then I stayed and played games. Now I am exhausted and can't wait to go to bed
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May 6th, 2006 at 05:23 am
walked with mom for 55 min
My niece is spending the night. We watched 3 of my musicals tapes. The Wiz, Robin Hood, Men in Tights and the Unsinkable Mollie Brown. It's amazing how many things we have in common. We both love reading, we both like miniatures, we both like musicals. There's other things too, but I love it and am flattered by it, since I think she likes these things because I do.
She told me she sent a letter to Dr Phil about her mother. Her mother is a control freak and makes everyone's lives miserable. I sympathize but can't do much about the situation. I think she must feel desperate though to write to Dr Phil. For her sake, I hope he doesn't reply. I can't imagine what her mother's reaction would be. Make a bad situation much worse.
We went to the miniature store this afternoon and I spent $11.76. We ordered pizza for dinner. $15. My niece doesn't even weigh 100 pounds and she ate 3 large slices of pizza. I only ate two and was stuffed. Plus she had an afternoon snack about 2 hours earlier. I wish I could eat like that and be skinny 
I was looking at the Walgreen's rebate booklet while at my mom's and saw that if she buys a box of Aleve, which my dad uses daily, they can get another $10 GC with the 2 bottles of vitamins they already bought. I'm pretty sure I have a coupon for Aleve, that I'll have to dig out and give to them. Even if they paid full price it would be $6-7 dollars for something they use and get $10 back.
Finished reading the library book All Your Worth by Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi. Financial. OK. It was pretty basic information and nothing that interesting to me. I don't like how they demonize Credit Cards. I know they are a problem for a lot of people, but if you use them right, they can save or even make you money.
Also everyone always gives you the advice of freezing your credit cards, which is stupid, IMHO, because I rarely have my card in front of me when I order stuff on the computer, I just use the last bill and type in the number from that. I've memorized the 3 digit security code. I don't need the card to buy stuff.
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Financial books,
April 16th, 2006 at 04:38 am
walked with mom for 55 min
It's my dad's bday today so gave him his presents. I had already given him the Entertainment book, but also gave him a $25 GC to the Outback and 2 bags of black jelly beans, his favorites.
Went to my sister's for a turkey dinner. Spent quite a bit of time with my niece picking out CDs that she wanted for her bday from yourmusic.com $5.99 each and no S&H. She picked 6 CDs and her mom wanted one too. I ordered 5 of them to be sent right away and put 2 of them in my queue to be sent at the end of this month and the next. Spent $29.95 and my sister gave me 5.99 for the CD she wanted, so total for Niece bday so far is $23.96 for 4 CDs.
I went to buy.com earlier and found a 1GB USB flash drive for $38.95 with free S&H and a $14 mail in rebate + the $25 GreatFun rebate, plus I get 3% back by going through Nesteggz rewards so the total cost will be -1.22 cents I've been wanting a USB for a couple months now.
I also went to Barnes and Noble online and ordered a book for my mom for Mother's Day and The Average Family's Guide to Financial Freedom by Bill and Mary Toohey for me. I had a deal from Citi card that if I used thier website I would get $10 back on my first purchase plus 4% of the purchase price rebated back. I spent $32.35. Shipping and handling was free. I'll get $11.29 back from Citi, and I saved 10% with my membership card. The finance book for me cost $2.16 vs the full price of $13.45 and the book for my mom was $17.99
Got a free greeting card in the mail from WalMart.
Finished reading the library book The Prey by Allison Brennan. Mystery. Ok too cliched and too much foreshadowing. It gets boring when you know what's going to happen next.
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Free Stuff
April 10th, 2006 at 05:10 am
walked with mom for 55 min
Got lots of bargains today.
Got groceries early this morning. Spent $25.64. $2.25 for newspapers and $7.80 for stamps. Got a free 8 oz bag of egg noodles.
Got $10.00 in gas
My niece came over and we went to lunch at Reb Robin. Spent $6. Had $10 free GC from xmas.
We went to Kmart and I spent $28.64. I got a plastic portable file storage box for $9. I was looking for a footstool to put my feet on under my desk, to help my legs. This was the perfect height, the price was right and I figured it could double as storage. I also got a v-neck t-shirt for $5 and a bag/purse/organizer to carry on the airplane for our trip. It's big enough to carry a change of clothes, plus it has organizer stuff for noteblooks, sunglasses, credit cards, pens/pencils etc. It was on sale at 30% off. I paid $14 for it, black leather looking material.
After that we went to see Ice Age II. Spent $10.25. It was really good. Cute.
Next stop was the Dollar Store. Last year I bought several Fiesta Ware plates from Linens N Things one at a time using the 20% off coupons for about $5 each after coupons. The Dollar Store had the same plates for $1 each and bowls. I bought two plates and two bowls and 15 Peeps for the nieces to share. Spent $5
We went to Cold Stone and got ice cream. I had a BOGO coupon so only spent $5 with tip.
Last stop was Walgreens. I spent $9.66 and saved $11.46 plus I get $3.50 back in rebates. They had 50 ct Excedrin on sale for $5.49 + $3.50 back in rebates making it $1.99. I had a $1.00 coupon so I got 50 ct of Excedrin for .99 cents. Very good deal. They had Tylenol Severe Allergy 24 ct on sale for $3.99 plus a Walgreens coupons for $2.50 and I had a manufactures coupon for $1.00 so it only cost me .49 cents. Very happy with both of these purchases.
Free this week
Sample Dove Calming soap
1 8oz bad of egg noodles
I came home around 6:30 and started working again. Hope to finish by 11:00.
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Free Stuff
March 13th, 2006 at 04:53 am
It's been really nice around here weather wise for the last week. So of course today when I have to drive for 2 hours it snows. 
Got gas and 2 newspapers for $24.81. Gas has gone back up and was $2.29/gal
Took my niece up to Denver for the miniature class I signed us up for. It was really good. We learned a lot of neat tricks.
We went to Barnes and Noble first and I spent. $41.36 on 6 books. Used the gift cards I got from opening a new CC.
We went to Red Lobster for lunch. Our favorite place. Spent $18.48
It started to snow while we were in the class but wasn't too bad yet when we got out at 4:30. I bought one item at the class for $12.82 and I had already sent them a $70 check for the fees.
I stopped at a town halfway between Denver and my town for dinner. We went to Wendy's and I spent another $14.47. I got one of their deli sandwiches to have for lunch tomorrow too. When we got out of Wendy's and back on the freeway, the snow was a little heavier but still not bad, the roads were just wet not slick. But for some reason we crawled home. 10-20 miles an hour. There were no wrecks, people were just afraid to drive. It was ridiculous. It should have taken us a half hour to get to my town and it took more than an hour. Then by the time we did get there, it was dark and the snow was starting to stick.
Free stuff I got this week:
15 2-liter bottles of Coke. I won twice more today.
1 bag black jelly beans
Gillete vibrance razor
3 Smart Ones frozen dinners
Dove shampoo and conditioner sample
I finished reading Skeleton Crew by Beverly Connor. Mystery. Good
Posted in
Free Stuff
March 5th, 2006 at 05:38 am
walked with mom for 55 min
Mom fixed lunch and I stayed for a couple hours to talk about our vacation plans.
I have been saving to go on a train trip in the Canadian Rockies with my parents for 3 years. We were originally planning to go in Sept, but that plan doesn't work because of a scheduling conflict, so we decided to go the first of May. Off-season so we get a better price.
Anyways I've spent a lot of time on the internet looking up packages and prices etc today. We picked out a package we like, but still plan to do more research. The thing that caught me off gaurd though is that we have to get a passport. We went to Canada about 7 years ago and just needed copies of our birth certificates. Don't know why I was surprised, it is post 911, I just didn't think about it.
So now I need to hurry up and do that. I have to get pictures taken and from what I read it takes up to 6 weeks to get the passport. We go on vacation in 9 weeks, so I'm really hoping to get it done this week. Another surprise was the price, it's $97, plus the price of the pictures. Ouch!
The trip is very expensive too. Airfare is around $495 and the tour package is about $1700. Still need to add meals, entertainment and shopping, plus a couple new shirts. But I have saved $3300 for this and hope that covers it. If not I have 2 more months to save and I save $100 a month towards this, plus all my extra funds, so that will probably be another 3 or 4 hundred that could go towards it.
I'm looking forward to the trip, but it's kind of a scramble to get it all together. Should have started last month, but we still thought we were going in September then.
Got a free sample of Head and Shoulders in the mail today. Will probably give to my brother. When I sign up for samples now, I'm signing my mom up at the same time. My dad thinks it's pretty cool to get stuff in the mail.
I also got a whopping $234.00 in a settlement for stocks I purchased from one of the big companies that went bankrupt in 2000 and was in the news for accounting fraud. My shares were worth $22,000 at one point and went down to $0 and I get a big $234. About 1% of what I lost. Oh well, I've since made the money back on other things, but still I was hoping for at least 10%. The pot is something like $38 million, but of course the lawyers get most of it.
Finished reading the library book Questionable Remains by Beverly Connor. Mystery. Very good.
I was talking to my oldest niece last night and she told me she was reading Little Women and had two chapters left to go. I gave her the 3 books in the series awhile back. She was telling me how much she liked the book. I remember the first time I read it and how much I enjoyed it too. I've read it a couple times since then and always like it. It's nice to share an appreciation for books with her. I told her she should watch the movie sometime. She didn't know there was one. I said the most recent one I know of had Wynona Rider in it and I didn't like that one, that much. My favorite is the one with Katherine Hepburn. She was excited to hear that, I guess Katherine Hepburn is a favorite of hers. Another thing we have in common 
The youngest niece is still grounded, so haven't been able to do anything with her lately. According to her mom, I may never get to take her anywere again.
Posted in
February 9th, 2006 at 04:58 am
walked with mom for 35 min
I go up to a Miniature store in Denver a couple of times a year to get supplies for my hobby. I'm on their mailing list and they always have a sale in Feb/Mar. They sent me their latest mailing and they are producing classes to teach miniature making.
One of the classes is a 4 hour class called Picnic Time. It costs $35 and you learn how to make a Picnic table, a "Weber" style grill, picnic basket with tablecloth and chips, beverage cooler, plus fill a food cooler with ice, food containers, foil wrapped plastic packages, potato salad and sandwiches. This is really a good deal, it would be difficult to purchase all that for $35.
Anyways I thought it would be a perfect thing for my oldest niece and I to do together. I got her mom's permission today for her to spend the night and then we'll go the class the next day. It's March 12. I need to register tomorrow, but I'm exicted about it. I think it will be so much fun.
I have a bunch of old musicals on tape and she likes to watch them so we'll problably watch a couple when she spends the night. She's trying to learn to cook and I've shown her two recipes last year, I'll have to come up with another one I think she might like.
I need to come up with something good to do with the youngest niece. I take turns and it's her turn next, so I need to do something with her before March 12.
Maybe I'll take her to see Nanny McPhee, It looks good, haven't heard anything from anyone who's seen it. I know she wants to see King Kong, but not sure I want to see that. The story doesn't do anything for me. I'm looking at the local movie listings and I see there is another PG movie out called Hoodwinked. Maybe she'd like it. I need to call tomorrow and see when she's available and what she might like to do. Maybe we'll do two movies since the sleepover and class are a bigger deal. I try to keep it fairly even although I count the experiences for as much or more worth than the money spent.
I finished listening to the library book on tape Blow Out by Catherine Coulter. Romance. Very good.
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