Home > On the road again

On the road again

November 7th, 2010 at 09:42 pm

My sister and I took the 2 hour drive up to visit my neice in college again yesterday. I took her another bag of groceries that I got free in the last week. Included was a toothbrush that she was happy to see, she said she just put that on her list of things to buy. She got sick on Halloween and was really happy that I brought her Contact last week since she didn't have to buy that.

We went to Sears where they were giving a presentation of a new product called Mr Sticky. They announced they were giving out free stuff. So my neice wanted to see what it was. They gave out a small piece of cloth that you can use to clean your glasses. It works well, but not worth listening to a sales pitch.

Next we went to Sam's club to try to get my neice on her parents card, but you can only have 2 cards per house, so they need to rethink that and see if one them needs to be taken off. Plus in this day and age they still automatically put the husband down as the primary owner, regardless of the fact that my sister filled out the form and paid for the card. He wasn't there so they couldn't do anything without his sayso. Sexism prevails. She's been running into that problem alot lately since they are getting a divorce. But she does all the bills and phone calls, and she's the primary bread winner, so even though she's the one paying the bills and setting up the service, he's still listed as primary on everything and she can't make changes unless he says so.

At Sam's I picked up an Avatar DVD for my youngest neice for xmas and a fleece lined hoodie for me. The DVD was $20 and the hoodie was $15.

We went to Red Robin for lunch since that was neices choice. $10.70 and then to a local farmer's market that she wanted to check out, but not alone. I got a small bottle of Black Bing Cherry Cider - $6.99. This was really good. Smooth not too tart.

Before we left we went back to Sam's where sister used her card to get gas for neice. It was $2.54/gal which is .25 cheaper than down here.

This morning I made a really indulgent breakfast. French toast with vanilla and cinnamon and real maple syrup and hash browns. Yummy!

I got the following stuff for free this week. It was a very good week for free stuff.

Curel lotion sample
3 tubes Crest toothpaste
$25 free groceries from pharmacy rewards
1 roll Basic paper towels
4 Propel water
Secret deodorant
6 pack Olay bar soap
4 bags Ricola cough drops
3 tubes Colgate toothpaste
2 cans Multigrain Pringles
3 boxes American Beauty pasta
1 24 ct Advil
2 boxes Ronzoni spaghetti
3 Colgate toothbrushes
3 Honest Tea
3 cans Chunky soup
2 pouches Idahoan potatoes
microfiber glass cleaner cloth
$50 check from credit card company for rewards

I didn't forget about writing a post on budgeting as someone asked for, I just haven't got around to it. I probably won't now until after my surgery on Wednesday, but I'm still planning on it.

I finished reading my book Stalking Darkness by Lynn Flewelling. Sci/Fi - pretty good.

1 Responses to “On the road again”

  1. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Looks like a good freebie week!

    I hope your surgery goes well on Wednesday.

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