Viewing the 'Uncategorized' Category
July 8th, 2011 at 09:28 pm
ytd = April 1 2011 - March 31, 2012
Coupon total ytd = 611.98
RX total = 184.64
Discounted Gift Cards = 207.19
Total = 1,003.81
Over $1000 saved in coupons, prescription deals and discounted gift cards so far.
Went to Safeway this morning to pick up another prescription. I've transferred 4 this month, which gives me a $30 gift card. If I transfer 2 more before the end of the month, I will get another $30 gift card. The prescription was $2.
Went to King Soopers and they sent me another survey for $5 off when I returned it to the pharmacy. I spent $6.86 for $31.86 in groceries. I used $5 in coupons, $5 RX deal and 4 $5 visa cards Kellogs sent me for the cereal deal a couple weeks ago. They came really fast. I'm expecting 3 more of them and 2 $10 ones.
I got 3 lbs of bacon on sale at 3.99/lb - still expensive, but best I've seen lately. 3 doz eggs for $1/doz. 4 candy bars - free - go to my mom. I gave all the ones I got last week to her too. 3 Tic - Tacs - free - go to my niece. On clearance I found two huge bottles of potassium supplements that I take on sale for $4.79 each 50% off.
I entered the vitamin codes into Nature Mades wellness site and got 110 points for each bottle, that put me over 500 points and I ordered a $7 coupon.
I know dad wants to go to Rosie's tonight for their prime rib special so I plan to have an omelet for supper. For breakfast I decided to have dinner. I sauteed chicken sausage with mushrooms in butter - it was so good. I'm definitely having that again. I cut the 1b of sausage into 3 sections so I can make it 2 more times.
I sold a book on half com for the first time in a year or so. I just put 2 on last week. Hope the other one sells as fast. Went to the post office and mailed it - $2.82. When I got home there was a message I had a trade on paperback swap, so will have to go back to the post office again tomorrow. Fortunately it's less than a mile away. I've made 4 swaps now, this is pretty good. I have so much credit at the used book store I can never use it, so this is another way to get more books that I want.
I finished reading the library book Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin. Sci/Fi - very good. New author for me, so put the next one in the series on hold too.
Posted in
July 5th, 2011 at 08:37 pm
ytd = April 1 2011 - March 31, 2012
Coupon total ytd = 584.98
RX total = 179.64
Discounted Gift Cards = 207.19
Total = 971.81
I went to King Soopers this morning to get a few groceries. I had a survey offering me $5 if I returned it. They wanted to know why I transferred a prescription. So I got another $5 put on my card. I got 8 free candy bars (4 milky way and 4 3 musketeers). I hope to give them all away to either my mom or nieces before eating one. I also got 2 bottles of Lipton tea for free, which will go to my dad.
The main thing I went for is vitamins. They had CoQ10 BOGO and I had some $2 coupons. These are really expensive vitamins. I'm really trying to get my diabetes under control and the numbers have been very good lately. If I can drop them another 20 points, I will be in the normal range for fasting blood sugar. I read that this supplement helps, so decided to try it out for awhile.
My blood pressure has been spectacular lately too - 110/60's. I plan to see the dr in August and see if I can go off some of the meds, if not all.
While in the store I saw they were advertising free-range nuts (walnuts and almonds). How ridiculous, am I supposed to believe these nuts come from trees that freely range about? Just another stupid marketing ploy that adds about $2/lb to the cost.
I finished reading the library book Caine's Reckoning by Sarah McCarty. Western/Romance - very good. A new author for me, I put some of her other books on hold at the library.
Posted in
July 3rd, 2011 at 08:35 pm
ytd = April 1 2011 - March 31, 2012
Coupon total ytd = 559.80
RX total = 174.64
Discounted Gift Cards = 207.19
Total = 941.63
Not a lot going on right now. I can't get interested in any of the deals, it just seems like too much work. I think I'm burned out. I read about them and think - eh I don't feel like it. Hopefully I'll snap out of it.
I went to Walgreens this morning and used a $6 RR to buy two jars of Hellmann's mayonnaise. Also got a dozen eggs for .99
The fried jicama the other night was the best out of the two methods of cooking. I don't think I baked the chips long enough. I might try it again for longer next time. The fried jicama was really pretty good and I'll probably end up fixing most of the rest of it that way.
I finished reading the library book Wit'chstorm by James Clemens. Sci/Fi - very good.
Posted in
June 30th, 2011 at 10:05 pm
ytd = April 1 2011 - March 31, 2012
Coupon total ytd = 553.80
RX total = 174.64
Discounted Gift Cards = 207.19
Total = 935.63
Ran errands this morning - library, post office, walgreens, safeway and food pantry.
I dropped two bags of grandma's books at the library for donations. I'm not sure how come they came to me, but mom handed me a box and said I could do what I wanted with them. They were like new, but when I checked on half.com they were only selling for .75 each. It's not worth my time to list and deal with them for that, so I decided to just donate them.
At walgreens I spent $10.33 and got back $11 in RRs. I got 3 6-packs of Dove men's soap for $6 each. I used 3 $4 coupons making them $6 plus taxes. When you buy $18 worth of Dove you get a $6 RR back. When you buy $20 worth of merchandise and use your AARP card you get an RR of $5 back. So I borrowed mom's AARP card and got 2 bags of Russell Stover sugar free candy to get over $20. I'll give one of the packs of soap to mom as thanks for using the card.
At Safeway I got a head of celery, a huge jicama and 4 tomatoes. I used a $1 off $5 produce coupon and a $2 off produce coupon that I got from buying Wish Bone salad dressing. I spent $2.80.
I've been reading about some recipes for jicama and decided to try making jicama chips tonight for supper. I'm going to try both frying and baking them to see what they are like. I will have enough leftover to make a few more recipes too. They didn't have any small ones so I could just try it.
At the food pantry they told me they just keep getting more and more customers. I would have thought it would be better by now, the economy isn't that terrible around here.
I finished reading my book The Linz Testament by Lewis Perdue. Adventure - pretty good.
Posted in
June 29th, 2011 at 10:07 pm
ytd = April 1 2011 - March 31, 2012
Coupon total ytd = 538.80
RX total = 174.64
Discounted Gift Cards = 207.19
Total = 920.63
I took my youngest niece to see the X-men movie using two of the free movie tickets I got last week buying cereal. The price of the movies has gone down, it was only $5 for the matinee. We both really liked the movie.
We went to Wendy's for lunch and I paid with a discounted gift card - $11.46. She didn't want any junk at the theater, which surprised me because she has a big sweet tooth. I went to Walmart for a few things on the way home and got her an ice cream sandwich for a $1.
I got another prescription transferred to King Soopers - spent $5.81. Instead of giving you $25 to use on groceries, they changed their program and now give you $1 off per gallon of gas. Not as good of a deal for me, since I only fill my tank up once a month and have 6 prescriptions. Safeway has a prescription transfer deal I'll have to check out instead.
I finished reading the library book Hold on Tight by Stephanie Tyler. Romance - very good.
Posted in
June 25th, 2011 at 09:35 pm
I've been getting up early, (for me about 8:30), so I can walk while it's still cool. This morning it was already over 70 by then so I will walk this evening. I went to the Farmer's market instead. They were passing out samples of local grown cherries and tomato slices w/salt. OMG the tomatoes were so good, so were the cherries - great marketing ploy :0. I ended up buying both and spent $9.25 - pricey but local and so good - worth it.
Mom called and wanted to go out to lunch so we went to Texas Roadhouse. I had a burger and salad - spent $9.55 using a discounted gift card to pay.
I finished reading my book Nightmare in Pink by John D. MacDonald. Mystery - very good.
Posted in
June 23rd, 2011 at 07:35 pm
between moving my furniture for the carpet installation and helping my sister move the last 2 days I have bruises everywhere. The top of one leg is one massive bruise - maybe 8 inches across and 4 inches wide. I have them all over my legs, my stomach (from balancing boxes), my arms - it's ridiculous. I'm not that sore, but did take an Aleve last night when I got home.
I got all my cashed in rewards in the mail this week, I was starting to wonder, it had been quite a while.
I finished reading the library book Burning Prey by John Sandford. Mystery - very good.
Posted in
June 20th, 2011 at 08:53 pm
ytd = April 1 2011 - March 31, 2012
Coupon total ytd = 501.83
RX total = 174.64
Discounted Gift Cards = 207.19
Total = 883.66
The carpet installers installed the rest of the carpet downstairs on Saturday. I'm so glad it's done. I think the first crew did a much better job though. The seams are more visible downstairs and the carpet doesn't look like it's completely straight although you really have to look to notice it.
I have a wall bed and dad and I took it apart on Friday. What a pain. I had muscle spasms for the last 2 days in my back. Mom, dad and I put it back together this morning and it was much easier with the 3 of us.
My cleaner was supposed to come today so I only put the bed back together and hadn't started bringing anymore furniture down yet. I want her to do a good vacuuming before I do that, but she called and said she wasn't coming because she put her car in 4-wheel drive and can't get it out. Huh?
So don't know when she'll be here now. I'm competing with my sister for dad time on help moving stuff She's moving tomorrow and Wednesday. I'll help out there, but that means dad can't come back till at least Thursday for me. I only have a few things I need his help with and they can wait a few days.
I did the cereal deal again yesterday. 2 more free movie tickets and enough UPC codes for 2 more $5 gas cards and finish the $10 rebate. I think I'll do it one more time tomorrow for 2 more free movie tickets, 2 more $5 gas codes and one more $10 rebate.
We took dad to Texas Roadhouse for father's day yesterday. That's the second time I've been and the steaks haven't been that good. Usually they are great. I gave him the $50 Elephant Bar gift cards and the $10 bonus card that came with them.
I finished reading my book Master of Smoke by Angela Knight. Paranormal - pretty good.
Posted in
June 18th, 2011 at 06:21 pm
ytd = April 1 2011 - March 31, 2012
Coupon total ytd = 496.83
RX total = 174.64
Discounted Gift Cards = 207.19
Total = 878.66
I went to Safeway yesterday and did some really good deals on steak, produce and cereal. The deals were better because I was able to stack them.
Safeway has a promotion when you buy a $50 gift card to penny's, lowes or Kohls you get a $10 on your next order coupon. I got the gift card earlier in the week so I had the $10 coupon.
Sirloin steak was on sale for $4.99/lb. However if you bought $20, there was a coupon for $4 off in the ad. And if you bought $25, you got a free $13 steak Knife. I purchased $25.50 worth of sirloin steaks and the steak knife. The steak knife was free and after taking off the $4 coupon and using the $10 coupon I paid $11.50 for about 8 pounds of steak. I used the knife to cut them into single serve portions and froze them. The knife was really good, usually it's a cheapy thing with these kind of promotions.
My second stacking deal was on cereal. There are several layers to this deal.
Layer #1 - Kelloggs cereal is on sale for $2.49/box. Not a great sale, but a sale.
Layer #2 - wyb 5 boxes in one transaction you get a coupon printout for a free movie ticket upto $12
Layer #3 - if the boxes have the Cars2 codes you can enter them at the Kelloggs site for $5 in visa gift cards. 4 codes = $5. Each person can enter 30 codes.
Layer #4 - some of the kelloggs cereals can also be used for a rebate offer buy 10 get a $10 mastercard.
Layer #5 - coupons, and if the coupons were printed from the swagbucks site get 10 swagbucks for each coupons used
Layer #6 - some of the cereal comes with coupons for $1 off fruit wyb 2 boxes of cereal
Layer #7 - pay with discover card and get 5% back on groceries this month.
Layer #8 - get gas points to take .10/gal gas
So based on that information I bought two sets of 5 boxes of cereal. I paid $15.91 or 1.59/box. I got 2 $12 free movie coupons. I got 2 $5 gas cards. I got 4 boxes towards the $10 rebate. I used 8 swagbucks printable coupons. I paid with my discover card. I used the fruit coupon to get $1 of cherries for free.
I plan to do this deal two more times and finish up the rebate. I gave 4 boxes of cereal to my dad, I donated 2 and gave 4 more to my sister. I expect I will donate the rest of the cereal.
The last deal was on produce.
3.18 - 2 bags Fresh Express salad
1.10 - cherries
.99 - radishes
.58 - celery
-1.00 - $1 off fruit wyb 2 kelloggs cereal
-1.00 - 2 .50 q's for fresh express salad
-1.00 - $1/$5 produce
I finished reading my books The Deep Blue Goodby by John D. MacDonald. Mystery - pretty good.
And African Ice by Jeff Buick. Adventure - pretty good.
Posted in
June 14th, 2011 at 09:09 pm
ytd = April 1 2011 - March 31, 2012
Coupon total ytd = 466.15
RX total = 174.64
Discounted Gift Cards = 207.19
Total = 847.98
Went to Safeway's this morning and got 6 more bottles of BBQ sauce to donate to the food pantry. It is Bull's Eye brand and was free after doubled coupons.
Safeway is having another gift card deal. Buy $50 gift card from J.C. Penny's, Kohls, iTunes or Lowes and get a $10 coupon on your next order. I bought a penny's card and paid using my Discover card which is giving 5% rewards on groceries this month.
Also went to King Soopers and picked up another prescription. I had a $10 Target coupon and so that was added to my loyalty card to use for groceries. Spent $2.80 on the prescription. I got 3 dozen eggs for $2.98 and some radishes and celery and 2 more bottles of Santa Cruz lemonade to donate.
Yesterday I went to Walmart and got 2 travel sizes of Dial body wash on sale for .97/each. I used 2 $2 coupons and bought almost a whole can of Planters cocktail peanuts with the overage. The peanuts were 2.88 and the overage was $2.06 
I finished reading the library book A River in the Sky by Elizabeth Peters. Mystery - very good.
Posted in
June 11th, 2011 at 08:37 pm
ytd = April 1 2011 - March 31, 2012
Coupon total ytd = 449.15
RX total = 174.64
Discounted Gift Cards = 207.19
Total = 830.98
I went back to Staples today and got 3 boxes of 25 sq ft aluminum foil priced at $1 each. I used my $3 coupon and they didn't even charge me tax. So all 3 for free.
Dropped off 3 bags of clothes at the Goodwill while I was over there.
Cashed in another 900 swagbucks for 2 more $5 Amazon Gift Cards.
Used a 40% off coupon and free shipping to order a cookbook from Borders. I need some more Borders gift cards and none of the 3 discounted gift card sites I use right now has them, maybe next week. I almost have enough to order a $25 one from Discover using my rewards.
I finished reading my book The Good, The Bad and the Uncanny by Simon R. Green. Sci/Fi - very good.
Posted in
June 10th, 2011 at 08:06 pm
DirectTV has free movies this weekend on all 3 networks - HBO, Starz and Showtime. I forsee lots of movie watching this weekend.
Staples put out a $3 off your purchase coupon this week. I went today and they had Quilted Northern toilet paper on sale for $4.99/12 rolls. A very good price. I used the $3 off coupon and spent $2.15 with tax. I used an 8% discounted gift card to pay.
You can use one $3 coupon/day. I think I'll go back tomorrow. They had 25 sq ft rolls of aluminum foil for $1/each. I'll get 3 of those.
I finished reading Eve by Iris Johansen. Mystery - very good.
Posted in
June 9th, 2011 at 07:14 pm
I got a rebate check for $15 in the mail for an item I got for free.
I went to mom's for dinner last night to celebrate niece's bday. She was pretty happy with her gifts. I gave her 3 books and 7 movies and mom gave her 2 books and 5 movies plus the first 7 Harry Potter movies. She's planning several movie-thon's with her friends.
She booked a flight to California later this month to vacation. It was only $190. That's a pretty good deal.
Sister is moving in with parents today for a few days and then on to Arizona for a week with other niece.
Mom and dad are on vacation on and off most of July.
I have no vacation plans this year. I'm happy staying in my house, maybe next year. I'd like to go to Maine in the fall sometime.
I finally signed up for paperbackswap. I had meant to do this for a long time, but never got around to it. I got my first trade email yesterday and mailed the book. Should get my book in the next week.
I finished reading the library book Chasing Fire by Nora Roberts. Romance - very good.
Posted in
June 7th, 2011 at 07:41 pm
I cashed out several of my reward programs today. I ordered $45 in books from Borders and will be reimbursed by one of my shopping programs.
I order 2 $5 Amazon gift cards from Swagbucks. I should have enough bucks to get another 2 by the end of the week. I got 27 swagbucks on one search yesterday, that was pretty cool.
I ordered a $50 Amazon gift card from MyPoints.
I ordered an $80 check from my Chase credit card.
Last week I ordered a $40 Shell gas card for 20 reward points from Discover.
Total rewards this last week = $225 - the mail should be fun this week 
I finished reading my book The Girl in the Plain Brown Wrapper by John D. MacDonald. Mystery - pretty good.
Posted in
June 6th, 2011 at 09:35 pm
ytd = April 1 2011 - March 31, 2012
Coupon total ytd = 438.48
RX total = 174.64
Discounted Gift Cards = 207.19
Total = 820.31
I went to King Soopers this morning and transfered another prescription which gave me another $25 in free groceries on my card. I paid $7.32 for the prescription.
I had a $10/$50 coupon for Safeway but King Soopers takes them. They had their Quilted Northern toilet paper 12 big rolls on sale for $5.99. I loaded 2 e-coupons on my card - one for $1 and one for $2 off. I bought 2 packs for $12 - $3 coupons = $9 + .72 taxes = $9.72 and since I had $73 in groceries I used the $10/$50 safeway coupon to get the toilet paper for free.
I also got 3 candy bars, a protien bar and Suave professionals shampoo for free. I donated the candy bars to the food pantry and the shampoo goes to my niece. I also donated 2 jars of Santa Cruz lemonade that I got for .25/each.
The entire order was free after the $10 Safeway coupon, $20 in manufacture coupons and $43 in RX coupons. Mostly produce, and pantry basics like rice wine vinegar, jello etc.
I dropped off 8 bags of stuff at the food pantry today and cleaned off my countertops - yeah!
I finished moving things upstairs for the carpet installation except for things I use every day, like my reading lamp and table.
I went thru my closet and pulled out around 40 items to donate to the Goodwill. I'll drop that off sometime this week.
I finished reading the library book Blood Bargain by Maria Lima. Paranormal - very good.
Posted in
June 3rd, 2011 at 09:55 pm
ytd = April 1 2011 - March 31, 2012
Coupon total ytd = 406.50
RX total = 130.78
Discounted Gift Cards = 207.19
Total = 744.47
This morning when my mom came over to walk, she gave me a sealed envelope. I asked her what it was and she said it's for you. So I opened it and it was a check for $5000. My parents have decided to start doling out some money to me and my sister before they die. I don't need it and told her to spend it on something they want, but she refused. I always feel so weird when I get money like this. I didn't 'earn' that money so it feels wrong to have it. Ah well, into the bank it goes, it more than paid for my carpet.
I think part of the reason they did it now was because my sister is buying her new house and has a lot of unexpected expenses right now and they want to help her out, so they think if they give her money, they should give me money. I keep telling them if they want to give money to my sister or my brother when he was alive, it's nothing to me, it's not my money, they can spend it however they want. Before he died they gave my brother almost 90K with the understanding it was coming out of his part of the inheritance. At least he got part of his inheritance before he died.
Mom and I went in town yesterday to scope out Costco and try to decide if we should purchase a membership. We decided we didn't think it was worth it, even if we split it. She was also looking for bday gifts for my niece so we went to Borders where I got 3 books. I'm out of gift cards so I actually had to pay $9 after a 30% discount on each book and $5 in bonus bucks. First time I've had to pay at Borders in a couple of years I think. I need to cash in some of my rewards programs and get some more gift cards.
They didn't have the book mom was looking for so we went to Mardels. I had a 30% off one item coupon that I sent her, so we both had one. She found the book she wanted, but didn't want anything else so I gave my coupon to someone in the store to use.
We went to Ruby Tuesday's for lunch and mom paid, she had a coupon for 25%.
Last stop was Target where I got 8 boxes of Jello and a package of Oscar Meyer bacon. I spent $8.30 and used $5.44 in coupons.
Went to King Soopers this morning and transferred another prescription. Got another $25 in RX rewards on my card. Spent $2.40 for the prescription. Bought cherry tomatoes, celery and an onion paid with a $1 coupon and my RX money so free.
Finished reading the library book When Beauty Tamed the Beast by Eloisa James. Romance - very good. Cute and funny.
Posted in
June 2nd, 2011 at 12:29 am
The last of my discounted gift cards arrived in the mail today so I went to Home Depot and ordered the carpet for the downstairs.
Total for both upstairs and down was $4544.15
I saved ....
$200 - installation special
$491.14 - 15% discount on carpet material since they ordered the wrong pattern
$233.31 - 8% on discounted gift cards
$81.39 - 5% on amount charged to credit card for rewards
$1005.84 = total saved or 22%
I have about 3 more days of making 5 trips up the stairs each day to finish getting the downstairs ready for the install.
I finished reading the library book A Taint in the Blood by S.M. Stirling. Sci/Fi - ok. I like his other books better and I'll read the sequel to this one, maybe the series will get better. He's very good at writing characters.
Posted in
May 31st, 2011 at 10:21 pm
I helped my sister pack up to move yesterday and she gave me a stack of coupon inserts that she hasn't had time to go thru. So I clipped coupons last night and set out to gather more free stuff today. I have a huge load for the food pantry the next time I can drop off. They only let you donate Monday and Thursday afternoon and for some reason, that's a bad time for me - always some conflict - so I end up waiting till I have a ton of stuff.
King Soopers first. I got 2 free 20 ct packages of Carefree and a bottle of Santa Cruz lemonade for a quarter for the food pantry. I also got a free protein bar, 2 free butterfingers a bunch of radishes for .99 and a bag of shredded cabbage for .85. I used another $2.29 in RX coupons and it was all free.
Safeway sent out a bunch of coupons for free Safeway products so I went and got those today along with some other freebies. I spent $3.79. I used $17.26 in coupons.
I got the following for free - they all go to the food pantry
2 bottles Jack Daniels BBQ sauce - FP
1 40 oz bottles safeway ketchup - FP
10 ct safeway jumbo taco shells - FP
1 24 oz bottle safeway pasta sauce - FP
1 16 oz safeway spaghetti - FP
1 bottle Lawry marinade - FP
I got 2 bottles of KC masterpiece BBQ sauce which will be donated to the food pantry. They were .88/each. I used a $1 q and I had a coupon for $2 off country pork ribs wyb KC BBQ sauce. I got 1 lb of pork ribs for $2.50. So they were .50 cents after the coupon and I paid .76 for the 2 bottles of BBQ sauce. I've never fixed country pork ribs before - any suggestions on what to do with this? I froze them until I find out what to do with them.
I also got 2 bags of Fresh Express bagged salad with a BOGO sale and I had a coupon making one bag .49 - so I got 2 bags for .49. I got some tomatoes and used a $1 off $5 produce coupon.
ytd = April 1 2011 - March 31, 2012
Coupon total ytd = 393.98
RX total = 128.77
Discounted Gift Cards = 207.19
Total = 729.94
I finished reading my book Burning Up - paranormal short stories. Very good.
Posted in
May 29th, 2011 at 08:51 pm
Walgreens was having a good 2 day sale starting today and I knew if I wanted to get the specials I would have to go early. I went at 9:30 but they were already sold out of the 2 things I wanted the most. Ritz Crackerfuls for my niece and Lily coffee for my dad. It's frustrating that Walgreens never has enough product on their best deals. They have 10 or so and they don't restock until the sale is over.
I did get some other good deals. 4 Right Guard deodorants for free and 3 boxes 45 Ct Ecotrin that I made .40/each on. These all go to the food pantry. I also got 10 boxes of sugar-free Royal Gelatin for .20/each.
I finished reading the library book The Storm Witch by Violette Malan. Sci/Fi - very good.
Posted in
May 28th, 2011 at 09:13 pm
I watched this documentary Fathead on Netflix yesterday. I guess you can play it on hulu also. Really funny. It's a response to the guy who made the Super Size Me movie. Instead of believing everything you hear, use some common sense. It questions many of the Super Size movie 'facts'. This guy ate at fast food places everyday and lost 12 pounds in a month. It debunks a lot of the crap the government keeps trying to tell us about how to eat healthy. Following their rules we have diabetes, obesity, depression and ADHD epidemics.
Thanks to Single Guy I was able to get a $40 Shell gift card from Discover using $20 of my reward money. If I use a .10/gal discount with my King Soopers card, I might be able to fill up my car for that 
I finished reading my book A Deadly Shade of Gold by
John D. MacDonald. Mystery - pretty good.
Posted in
May 27th, 2011 at 09:31 pm
ytd = April 1 2011 - March 31, 2012
Coupon total ytd = 346.53
RX total = 126.48
Discounted Gift Cards = 207.19
Total = 680.20
Went to Safeway this morning and saved 92% on my grocery bill. Spent $3.84 and used almost $19 in coupons. I got the following for free. FP = food pantry donations
4 bottles Jack Daniels bbq sauce - FP
2 bottles Lawry's marinade - FP
3 Suave deodorants - FP
1 Zone perfect bar - FP
2 Luna bars - FP
3 bottles Wish Bone salad dressing - FP. These cost .19/each after coupons. There is a $1 rebate on the salad dressing so I will send off for that.
I also got 2 bags of salad - BOGO and some celery and sugar snap peas. Used a $1 off $5 produce coupon.
I finished reading my book The Reckless Bride by Stephanie Laurens. Romance - very good.
Posted in
May 26th, 2011 at 08:03 pm
I ordered another $450+ in discounted Home Depot gift cards from Gift Card Rescue today. That will make around $1800 I have for the second carpet installation. I'll order the carpet as soon as I get the cards. My house is gradually being readied. I make 5 trips a day upstairs carrying books, etc. I figure another 2 weeks and I'll be done. If I order the carpet next week, then it will take about a week to get in and schedule.
I got a haircut at Great Clips today and used a coupon taking $3 off. Spent $11 with tip.
ytd = April 1 2011 - March 31, 2012
Coupon total ytd = 327.26
RX total = 126.48
Discounted Gift Cards = 207.19
Total = 660.93
I finished reading the library book Hard to Hold by Stephanie Tyler. Romance - very good.
Posted in
May 25th, 2011 at 09:47 pm
I took my youngest niece to Seven Falls by the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs yesterday. Even though it was a cloudy day, it was beautiful up there. It's in a canyon in the foothills. I was woken up by hail yesterday morning and thought we wouldn't get to go. But we decided to go anyways and it didn't rain again till we were back home later in the afternoon.
Admission was $16.50 for the 2 of us and I got her a souvenir beaded bracelet with her name on it for another $6.27.
After the falls we went to Sonic for lunch - $11.79 and then hit an Albertson's on the way home. At Albertson's I spent $8.18 for 2 bottles of Potassium vitamins (BOGO), and 2 doz eggs and taxes. I got 3 boxes kleenex, 4 boxes Jolly Time microwave popcorn and 6 butterfinger candy bars for free. I gave my niece 2 boxes of popcorn and 4 candy bars. The other 2 boxes of popcorn will be donated.
I entered the wellness points from the two bottles of Nature Made potassium I bought and had enough points to order a $7 off coupon.
We stopped at a Redbox and got Tron for free using a promo code and then we stopped at a gelato place and got gelatos. I had a coupon for 50% off, so with tip I spent $4.49. The movie was ok, she liked it a lot.
ytd = April 1 2011 - March 31, 2012
Coupon total ytd = 327.26
RX total = 126.48
Discounted Gift Cards = 170.87
Total = 624.61
I finished reading the library book The Lady Most Likely. Romance - short stories, very good.
Posted in
May 20th, 2011 at 09:52 pm
My neighbor brought me some banana nut bread this morning. It was so good - moist and big chunks of walnuts. Yummy! I'll have to think of something I can give her. I'm not a baker, or even much of a cook.
Mom sent me an email from Elephant Bar, buy a $25 gift card and get a $5 bonus card. Looks like dad's father's day gift. I need to remember next time I go in town.
I finished reading Queen of the Darkness by Anne Bishop. Sci/Fi - excellent.
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May 19th, 2011 at 09:33 pm
Got paid to buy toothbrushes at Walgreens this morning. Reach toothbrushes were on sale for .99/each. I had coupons for $3.50 off. Paid .73 with taxes and got a coupon for $4 on your next order. Made $3.27. Paid with gift card so no OOP.
At King Soopers got another prescription filled and used a $10 Target coupon to get $10 put on my loyalty card. Spent $2.22 on the prescription
Got 3 tubes Colgate toothpaste and 2 toothbrushes for free. Bought 10 tubs of Cool Whip on sale for .89/each wyb 10. Gave mom 2 of them and froze most of the rest. Mom got 2 dozen of the medium eggs for .88/each. The lady told us at King Soopers the medium egg cartons are made up of other cartons that had broken eggs in them. So you can get Eggsland eggs or extra large eggs or whatever in the carton. I noticed last time I got them, I couldn't tell the difference in size from the large eggs.
All the toothbrushes and toothpaste go to the food pantry.
ytd = April 1 2011 - March 31, 2012
Coupon total ytd = 309.31
RX total = 126.48
Discounted Gift Cards = 170.87
Total = 606.66
I finished reading my book Heir to the Shadows by Anne Bishop. Sci/Fi - excellent
Posted in
May 14th, 2011 at 10:36 pm
I read about this site in the All New magazine. It's basically an aggregate site that lists gift cards for sale on other sites and who has the best price. It also lists who is paying the most if you want to sell a gift card.
There is also a challenge section. They challenged a woman with 2 kids to live on discounted gift cards for a month, everything except rent and utilities. It was pretty interesting. She saved about 10% overall.
Text is http://www.giftcardgranny.com/blog/category/challenge/ and Link is http://www.giftcardgranny.com/blog/category/challenge/
I bought around $175 of Walmart gift cards from Plastic Jungle today, saving 3%. I've noticed the discounts are getting smaller on a lot of cards I used to buy. Either less people are selling, or more people are buying so they can charge more. Even so, for places I got to all the time even 3% adds up.
I finished reading the library book Gideon's Sword by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. Adventure - very good.
Posted in
May 13th, 2011 at 08:52 pm
Coupon total ytd = 253.35
RX total = 113.57
Discounted Gift Cards = 118.28
Total = 485.20
Ran errands this morning. I started at Safeway where I had a $10 OYNO coupon to use up. I got 2 lbs of ham and turkey deli meat, a doz eggs, and 2 bags of sunflower seeds. I paid .93
At Walmart I got a pair of Just My Size jeans for $11. Regularly $16, but I had a $5 coupon. I just thru away a pair because of holes in the pocket area and fraying on the hems, so I needed a new pair. I also got a 6 pack of Hanes panties for $5. There was a sign saying these were $5, but I checked the price before going to the register and it said $6.97, so I went to customer service first and she said just tell the cashier she said to charge only $5. Good deal.
At King Soopers I picked up a prescription for .57. I had a $10 Target prescription coupon so they put that on my card. I got $18 in free groceries using $14 in coupons and $4 of my RX coupon. I got the following, FP = food pantry.
2 bags Boulder chips - FP
8 boxes pasta - FP
2 Think Thin bars - FP
3 20 ct packs carefree pantyliners - FP
1 doz eggsland best eggs
2 bunches radishes
2 starkist tuna pouches
It looks like Sunday's coupons are going to be really good for things I buy. I may have to invest in a couple more papers.
I ordered another $250 in Home Depot gift cards from Gift Card Rescue @ an 8% discount. saving me about $20. I still need $1000 more for the downstairs carpet.
I'm about halfway thru putting my upstairs back in place - hope to be done by Sunday, and then I'll start tearing up the downstairs. I want to get the downstairs carpet ordered by June 2 to take advantage of the installation discount they have going on Martha Stewart carpet. Saves me a $100.
I finished reading my book Hell Island by Matthew Reilly. Adventure - very good.
Posted in
May 11th, 2011 at 09:57 pm
Carpet guys showed up yesterday morning and wanted me to look at the carpet before they installed it. It's the right color, but not the right pattern. I ordered a carpet with a diamond pattern and this carpet has a cross-hatch pattern. So while they waited outside my house I drove over to Home Depot and talked to customer service. Turns out the carpet I ordered comes in two patterns and the lady who did the order in the computer put in the second pattern. I can't imagine why you could design carpet that way, where it could so easily be wrong. Anyways, since the carpet was already there, the installers were already there and I had already tore my upstairs apart, I told them I would take the carpet if they gave me a 15% discount. So they said ok. That's only a discount on the carpet, but it will come to over $500 by the time I finish the downstairs too. They promised they would give me the 15% off when I order the downstairs carpet. So I took it, not exactly what I wanted, but I can live with it, it's just carpet after all.
The installers did a really good job. I don't have to do any touchups on the baseboards or walls. Now I have to put everything back upstairs and start tearing up the downstairs. That will be a much bigger job. I have about 1500 books down there, that will have to be carried up here. Tired just thinking about it 
I finished reading the library book Twilight's Dawn by Anne Bishop. Sci/Fi - excellent. I love her books, I liked this one so much I'm reading it again today.
Posted in
May 9th, 2011 at 06:37 pm
I ran accross this recipe for goldfish crackers in a low-carb cookbook and it was so cool sounding I had to try it last night. The first time they were too salty for my taste, so the second time I didn't add any salt and they were much better.
Basically take a slice of American cheese and cut into about 16 squares. Combine 1/4 tsp garlic and chili powder and salt if you want. Put cheese squares in spice mixture and coat lightly. Place far apart on baking sheet, (use a silicone baking mat if you have one, or parchment paper). Bake at 400 degrees for 6 - 7 minutes. Let stand a min or two and eat.
My carpet will be installed tomorrow. I plan to take down the computer as soon as I'm done messing around on the internet today and then I'm ready for them.
Not sure when I'll get back on here, Wednesday at the earliest.
I finished reading the library book Citadel by John Ringo. Sci/Fi - pretty good.
Posted in
May 8th, 2011 at 09:49 pm
Coupon total ytd = 218.63
RX total = 109.45
Discounted Gift Cards = 97.91
Total = 425.99
Did a couple of quick errands this morning before meeting sister, neices and parents at Mimi's Cafe in town for a mother's day lunch. Spent $11 at Mimi's.
At Safeway used my $10 on next order q and got $10 of sliced turkey breast on sale for $5/lb and then spent $1.14 on celery and green onions.
At Walmart I used $5.50 in coupons. I got 2 12 packs of Scick disposable razors for free, which will be donated. My cashier was making comments about all of my purchases. I hate that. Oh, these are nice bras. Oh what's this - an egg poacher? How much is that? - yech. I spent $77.02 there.
Stopped at Albertson's for 3 rolls of free paper towels. Spent .22 on taxes.
I brought 2 bags of groceries to give to oldest neice to take back up to college with her, mostly pasta, but she lives on that. She had her finals last week and is now half way thru.
My youngest neice died her hair again. This time a strawberry blond and then she crimped it. I didn't even recognize her when she came to the door. She looks gorgeous.
I finished reading the library book Lover Unleashed by J.R. Ward. Paranormal - excellent. If you like Laurell Hamilton or Sherrilyn Kenyon you will like this series.
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