Home > friday errands

friday errands

July 8th, 2011 at 09:28 pm

ytd = April 1 2011 - March 31, 2012
Coupon total ytd = 611.98
RX total = 184.64
Discounted Gift Cards = 207.19
Total = 1,003.81

Over $1000 saved in coupons, prescription deals and discounted gift cards so far.

Went to Safeway this morning to pick up another prescription. I've transferred 4 this month, which gives me a $30 gift card. If I transfer 2 more before the end of the month, I will get another $30 gift card. The prescription was $2.

Went to King Soopers and they sent me another survey for $5 off when I returned it to the pharmacy. I spent $6.86 for $31.86 in groceries. I used $5 in coupons, $5 RX deal and 4 $5 visa cards Kellogs sent me for the cereal deal a couple weeks ago. They came really fast. I'm expecting 3 more of them and 2 $10 ones.

I got 3 lbs of bacon on sale at 3.99/lb - still expensive, but best I've seen lately. 3 doz eggs for $1/doz. 4 candy bars - free - go to my mom. I gave all the ones I got last week to her too. 3 Tic - Tacs - free - go to my niece. On clearance I found two huge bottles of potassium supplements that I take on sale for $4.79 each 50% off.

I entered the vitamin codes into Nature Mades wellness site and got 110 points for each bottle, that put me over 500 points and I ordered a $7 coupon.

I know dad wants to go to Rosie's tonight for their prime rib special so I plan to have an omelet for supper. For breakfast I decided to have dinner. I sauteed chicken sausage with mushrooms in butter - it was so good. I'm definitely having that again. I cut the 1b of sausage into 3 sections so I can make it 2 more times.

I sold a book on half com for the first time in a year or so. I just put 2 on last week. Hope the other one sells as fast. Went to the post office and mailed it - $2.82. When I got home there was a message I had a trade on paperback swap, so will have to go back to the post office again tomorrow. Fortunately it's less than a mile away. I've made 4 swaps now, this is pretty good. I have so much credit at the used book store I can never use it, so this is another way to get more books that I want.

I finished reading the library book Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin. Sci/Fi - very good. New author for me, so put the next one in the series on hold too.

1 Responses to “friday errands”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Breakfast for dinner is always good and usually pretty reasonable.

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