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July 19th, 2011 at 07:13 pm

ytd = April 1 2011 - March 31, 2012
Coupon total ytd = 641.89
RX total = 189.65
Discounted Gift Cards = 207.19
Total = 1,038.73

I'm having to walk in the evenings now because it's over 80 even at 8 in the morning, and even though it's over 80 when I walk about 8 at night, the sun is going down and there's more shade, which makes it bearable. Anyways, the neighborhood behind me was built about 3 years ago and I've been walking there year around at all hours of the day and evening for that long. There is one house that I walk by and the back yard has every kid toy you can think of. Huge swimming pool, trampoline, sandbox, playhouse, large swing/slide/wall climbing thingy, basketball hoop, volleyball net, tetherball, various yard toys etc. The garage is frequently open and you see all kinds of bikes, toys and motorized car things. Last night I noticed a new toy - a teeter-totter. But the odd thing is, in the 3 years I've been walking over there I have never seen a kid. I see them at all the other houses, but never this one.

I got a huge mesquito bite on my arm on my walk last night, first time I've had one here in forever. We don't get a lot of mesquito's - man did it itch.

Yesterday I went to Walgreens and got 2 large bars of Milka chocolate for free, well except for .09 in taxes. These will go to my nieces. I wasn't even tempted by them, my cravings for sweet stuff seems to be gone. The candybars I bought last week for my mom are still sitting on my counter too and that included my favorite candy bar - Caramel Milky Way.

I also went to Safeway and got Romaine, tomatoes and shredded cabbage. I used a $1 coupon off $5 in produce and paid with the gift card I got for transferring prescriptions, so it was all free. $4.49

I finished reading the library book Dead Reckoning by Charlaine Harris. Paranormal - very good.

5 Responses to “odd”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    When it's really hot, I get my exercise by turning on Pandora and dancing around.

  2. Petunia 100 Says:

    Maybe they are running a home daycare out of that house?

  3. ceejay74 Says:

    I'm really glad I'm not officially starting my new health regimen until next week! I was going to try to ramp up my exercising this week in preparation, but instead my activity has dwindled...didn't want to move, let alone leave the house, Sunday, and yesterday and probably for the rest of this week it's going to be horrendously hot for walking home from work. Our AC can't really keep up in this weather, so the thought of walking home to a semi-stuffy house is not appealing. Good for you for getting out in the evenings at least!

  4. HouseHopeful Says:

    Dead Reckoning is one of the Sookie Stackhouse books, right? I enjoyed those. Very different from the show True BLood (the show is based off the books)

  5. retire@50 Says:

    yes, I it is one of the Sookie Stackhouse books and they are much better than the show. It seems to me the show is just a vehicle to show lots of sex. I watched 5 - 6 episodes and just wasn't that impressed, but I still read the books.

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