This book is written by Kathy Spencer. I got it from the library and I highly recommend it. It's the first saving money book where I've actually learned something new in a long time. She writes about how to buy groceries for free using coupons, catalina's etc. She says she spends $4/week for food for her family, I think she has 6, but not sure about that number.
She also has really good tips for getting other things for free/cheap. I won't use some of her methods because they aren't my thing, but they are good ideas for people who want to follow thru. Some of the things I learned are:
Catalina promotions are based on the pre-sale price.
If you have more than $2500 in materials for a home project Home Depot will give you a contractor price saving you 10 - 15%.
Check the internet for Black Friday sales prior to the sale date and if the item you want is at a store that offers price protection, buy it the week before the sale. Then take your receipt back and get the lower price. That way you don't have to fight people for the item. Some credit cards offer price protection too, you can just call them and get the lower price.
I went to King Soopers this morning to get some produce and eggs and do the last mega deal. I actually had to spend some money this time. All my prescription money is used up. I spent $4.10 for $23 of groceries. $13 in coupons and almost $6 in RX savings. I got the following for the food pantry.
2 Think Thin bars
4 boxes Quick Cook pasta
4 Reach Toothbrushes
The toothbrushes are a special Catalina deal right now. Buy 4 get $4 back in a coupon on your next order. They are also part of the mega deal
9.16 - 4 toothbrushes @2.29
.73 - taxes
-2.00 - mega sale
-4.00 - 2 .50 q's doubled, 1 $2/2 q
3.89 - get $4 OYNO coupon
I also went to Walmart and got 3 small bottles of Franks Red Hot sauce for free, that will go to the food pantry. I got a bag of coleslaw too, since King Soopers doesn't carry the kind I like anymore.
I bought another $500 in discounted gift cards to Home Depot from Gift Card Rescue at 8% discount. I need about another $500 and then will have enough for the downstairs carpet.
Coupon total ytd = 281.92
RX total = 119.45
Discounted Gift Cards = 170.87
Total = 572.74
I finished reading my book Daughter of the Blood by Anne Bishop. Sci/Fi - excellent. I'm rereading the whole series right now, since I read Twilight's Dawn last week.
How to Shop for Free - book review
May 17th, 2011 at 09:30 pm
May 17th, 2011 at 09:39 pm 1305664757
I have no stores around that give double coupons.