Home > a layer of protection

a layer of protection

April 6th, 2011 at 09:25 pm

While walking yesterday my mom and I were talking about my grandma. I said, you know how things are supposed to progress, your grandparents die, then your parents and then you. With my last grandparent dead it feels like a layer between me and death is gone. I know I could die at anytime, but if I were to die naturally, then that little barrier is gone.

My mom said she feels like a layer of protection is gone from her because my grandma prayed for everyone in the family by name everyday. She feels that there is no one above her now praying for her every day. And of course my grandma had a direct line to god Smile

The funeral is Friday and visiting is tomorrow. Then comes the effort of cleaning out her stuff and trying to deal with the aftermath.

I finished reading the library book Shadowfever by Karen Marie Moning. Sci/Fi - very good.

3 Responses to “a layer of protection”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    I know my mom felt similar after both of her parents had died.

  2. debtfreeme Says:

    When my grandmother died my mom was not ready to be the oldest in our family and the matriarch. It was a difficult transition for her.

    My thoughts are with all of you.

  3. baselle Says:

    Sister and I both feel that way. Both our parents died before grandma, so it felt a hole in the insulation or a thin, far off layer of protection. In a sense, I'm the matriarch of the two of us ... or now we each consider ourselves part of other families with their protection.

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