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more free toothpaste and cheap potpies

March 29th, 2011 at 06:14 pm

I went to Safeway this morning and got an 8 lb bag of potatoes for $4. $5 - $1 produce coupon. I also got 8 Marie Callander single serve potpies for .61/each. 4 Turkey and 4 Chicken

15.92 - 8 potpies @ 1.99/each
-5.00 - $5/$15 Safeway coupon
-6.00 - 4 $1.50 off any Marie Callander pie

When we were little and mom was a single mother to 2 girls we lived on potpies. You could get 10 for a $1. I still like them but rarely buy them because they have gotten very expensive.

Next I went to Walgreens and got paid a little bit to buy 2 tubes of Colgate toothpaste. I put $20 in RRs from last week on a Walgreens gift card and paid with a different gift card from earlier RRs so no money out of pocket.

6.00 - 2 4oz tubes Colgate toothpaste
.28 - taxes
-3.00 - 2 $1.50 q's
3.28 - got back a $4 RR so made .72. These will be donated to the food pantry.

2.03 - 7 Snickers eggs
.07 - taxes
-2.00 - $2/2 q

I finished reading my book Cinnamon Skin by John D. MacDonald. Mystery - pretty good.

2 Responses to “more free toothpaste and cheap potpies”

  1. marvholly Says:

    I did not know you could use RR to buy gift cards (even WAG ones) at WAG. I do NOT think they allow that here in my metro Chicago area.

  2. CB in the City Says:

    I have a thing about pot pies -- they bring back so many comforting memories from my childhood. I rarely eat them now, because of the calories, but I do love the Stouffer's white chicken pies. I just need to get someone to share one with me. Smile

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