Home > denver museum of natural history

denver museum of natural history

March 23rd, 2011 at 09:02 pm

My sister, youngest niece and I drove up to Denver yesterday to go to the Natural History museum. My niece has been wanting to go and I invited her because it was spring break. Turns out her mom took the week off and wanted to go too, so we all went. Since she drove I bought lunch for all of us at Subway on the way there. Spent $14+.

The museum was very expensive and not that good. They have a special Pirates exhibit right now and of course that was extra and the planetarium was also extra. $12 entrance fee, $8 Pirates, $5 planetarium. $25 total. Niece got a student discount so hers was about $7 cheaper.

The place was packed, which surprised me, but I guess some of the Denver schools are still in session and there was several school groups and tons of people. I hate crowds. The best thing was the Russian gem carvings - very cool. The dinosaurs are always neat, the mummies were so-so. The animals were interesting. The Pirate exhibit was geared towards 10 year olds and ok. The planetarium was good, but only 25 minutes long. It was narrated by Whoopi Goldberg. Over all too much money for not enough bang Smile

Sister and niece had to have a snack and drink halfway thru. $2 for a candy bar. What a rip-off.

But it was still a good outing, got to spend time with niece. We stopped at Black-eyed pea on the way home for dinner. Spent $12.71 and brought half of my chicken and a roll home for tonight's supper.

My niece got her tonsils out this morning, hope she starts feeling better soon. She's been feeling sick since Oct last year. She's had several colds and mono, plus strep throat. This should help.

I got my oil changed in my car today, car wash and air filter. Spent $55 for everything after coupon. They were very fast - it's a local shop.

I went to Walgreens and got 24 ct Theraflu for $4.99. Used a $2 coupon and got $1 back in RR. I have a rebate on this so I will make about $3 on the purchase.

I finished reading my book Renegade by Lora Leigh. Romance - very good.

1 Responses to “denver museum of natural history”

  1. MonkeyMama Says:

    I hope your niece feels better.

    I was just thinking the other day that I was lucky to get my tonsils out. They seem to discourage it any more. I was always perpetually sick, and once I had mono I finally got a doctor who recommended it. No issues since. I had them out around when I turned 18.

    Interesingly, my allergies worsened immediately after (took me a while to make the connection), but I will take frequent allergies any day over frequent strep throat.

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