I ran my errands late yesterday since mom wanted to walk in the afternoon. It was really nice walking outside. First time this year at her house. There isn't a hint of green yet though. We are 44% below where we should be on moisture this winter. All our snow went elsewhere, which is nice, but we need some rain or something to make up for it.
I went to Walgreens and got 8 Right Guard deodorants for free, except for taxes. They were on sale buy 1 get 1 and I had 4 BOGO coupons. I spent $1.34 on taxes.
At King Soopers I picked up 2 prescriptions for $2.81 and 3 Yakisoba mac and cheese for free. On sale for .99 and I have coupons for .50 that doubled. I need to go back this afternoon and get 3 more of these.
All the deodorants and yakisoba's get donated to the food pantry.
At Safeway I got 3 more of the jello temptations. I spent .97 and got a $2 OYNO coupon back.
I finished reading my book Named of the Dragon by Susanna Kearsley. Romance - pretty good. New author for me.
monday errands
March 15th, 2011 at 07:33 pm
March 16th, 2011 at 01:46 am 1300239981
March 17th, 2011 at 07:19 am 1300346365