Home > cheap cheese

cheap cheese

February 18th, 2011 at 08:13 pm

On the way to walking at Walmart I stopped at Safeway and got one of my prescriptions - $2.74. I also got another package of 80% hamburger for .22. This is the 6th pound of hamburger I got for less than .50/lb. That's it for me for now, it's about 6 months worth. I also picked up 4 16 ct packages of 2% Kraft cheese slices for .49 each. I will freeze these. They are on sale for $1.49 and I had .55 coupons that doubled to $1.

I also got 2 more popcorn shrimp for .64/each at Walmart.

I finished reading my book The Da Vinci Legacy by Lewis Perdue. Mystery - very boring and cliched. I felt like I'd already read it in several versions.

1 Responses to “cheap cheese”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Amazing! Amazing food deals!

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