Home > gas - 2.36/gal

gas - 2.36/gal

February 16th, 2011 at 08:35 pm

I had .60 off per gallon of gas from King Soopers today. I got 21 gallons and paid $50 - $2.36/gal. I filled up 2 5 gallon cans and my car. I used a gift card I got 5% back on to pay.

My grocery category is going to be pretty high this month. I got 2 1 year Sunday only Subscriptions to the Denver Post for $56.70/each - $113.40. I used Discounted Newspapers website to purchase them and I went thru My Points so I should get 5 points/dollar. I track newpaper subscriptions in the grocery category because the only reason I buy them is for coupons. The subscription went up $20 from last year.

Inflation is really starting to hitting everything. I still have 8 boxes of the Cheerios I got last year for free to .50/box. I haven't seen a good sale since and now I haven't seen less than $2.50/box on sale and it's $4 for a regular box which is insane. Lot's of other groceries are up too. Clothes are supposed to go up 10% this year. The gas would have been 2.99/gal if I hadn't had the discount - up 17% in just a couple months.

It was warm today, but we had to walk at Walmarts anyways because the wind was blowing very hard. It's given me a major headache. I got 3 more small boxes of the SeaPak popcorn shrimp. $1.64 each and I had 3 $1 coupons. When I got home I saw the cashier put in 4 coupons so I paid .92 for all 3 boxes. I used a Walmart gift card that I got 3% back on to pay.

I finished reading my book Hadrian's Wall by William Dietrich. Historical - pretty good.

3 Responses to “gas - 2.36/gal”

  1. mjrube94 Says:

    I've been seeing 4/$6 on general mills cereals, but they've dropped the size of the box down to about 9oz!

  2. Aleta Says:

    I just recently got a card from Winn Dixie called Fuel Perks. I don't gas up very often and have a small tank 11.9 so, I didn't think it would pay for me to even use this card. But you gave me an idea with the extra gas cans.

    When I visit my son up North, I always get a headache from the cold weather. People think that I'm weird because of that and now I've just heard of someone else with the same problem.

  3. retire@50 Says:

    I have a small tank too and so with 2 5 gallon gas cans I can get 2 fillups and save the extra money when I have it. Anytime I have good gas points at King Soopers I try to fill up my cans and it often lasts me 2 months.

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