Home > misjudgment


February 13th, 2011 at 09:20 pm

I made a bad misjudgement yesterday. Mom called and instead of walking at Walmart she wanted to go up to Denver and walk in the mall up there. Dad needed to go up to Thornton to get some tires. So not really thinking about it I said ok. Everybody and his brother, his mother, his sister, his father, his neices, nephews and cousins were there. It was a zoo. I haven't seen it that busy in years. I have a big problem with crowds. I have started to hyper-ventilate in the past. Dad dropped us off with the plan of picking us up in 2 hours. By the end of the first hour I was gritting my teeth. I made it but it was very uncomfortable and I wish I had not gone. I get incredibly anxious in crowds and avoid them whenever possible.

I did get a free book at Borders. 50% off coupon and free gift cards from credit card rewards. And I found a really cute hourglass for $6 at Pottery Barn. I have wanted one for years because I like them and hadn't ever come across one. I wasn't actively looking just in the back of my mine I knew if I found one I wanted one. I put it next to a cool kaledescope I have on an end table and I've probably turned it over 10 times. It's a 5 min one.

We went to Red Lobster for lunch at 2:40 and they were packed too. We had to park in the last row. I used a coupon and one of my discounted gift cards and spent $9.01 with tax and tip.

While eating dad was asking what we got and I told him. Mom said "she actually bought something she didn't need". I buy stuff I don't need, it's just not that often Smile Most times when we go shopping I may buy a book, that I don't pay anything for since I use my free reward gift cards, and lunch and nothing else. But I'm not really tempted by most stuff in the stores.

Today I went to King Soopers to pick up a prescription. I transfered it from Target and got another $25 RX rewards put on my KS card for free groceries. I spent $2.24 on the prescription and $1.50 on the Sunday Denver Post.

I got 3 more tacos at Taco Bell for brunch today. Spent $2.33 and used the last of my free taco coupons.

Tomorrow Subway is giving out a free cookie with purchase. They have all their footlongs on sale for $5 again so I may do that. Here's the coupon if you're interested.

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I finished reading my book Coming Back by Marcia Muller. Mystery - very good. I really like the whole Sharon McCone series.

4 Responses to “misjudgment”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Sorry you had such a bad day with all those crowds!

  2. momcents Says:

    I've noticed that I've gotten worse with crowds over the past years, not sure why. My kids' school's fun fair was last Saturday and I managed about 20 minutes before I started to sweat. Too many people and too much activity crowded in a small area ... ugh ... shudder to think about it. Dance competitions are also bad for me ...

  3. retire@50 Says:

    I had to stop attending the recitals and things for my nieces, couldn't take the crowds.

  4. Aleta Says:

    My son has the same problem to the point that he can't tolerate alot of traffic. If they drive longer distances, they leave at night and his wife does alot of the driving. He doesn't like large crowds either.

    Glad you enjoyed Red Lobster. I must admit that it is one of my fav restaurants. We had a Steak and Ale down here and they're gone. What a great Prime Rib which was what they were known for.

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