Home > moving day

moving day

August 1st, 2010 at 03:46 am

My oldest niece moved into her first appartment today up in Greeley. 2 hours away. She sharing a 3 bedroom apartment with 2 other girls. 1300 sq ft for just under $900 + utilites. An excellent deal. The place has a pool, hot tub, club house and exercize room. Very nice. The apartment has laundry too and lots of storage.

However it's on the second floor and it was very hard for my parents and me hauling boxes and stuff up those stairs. Her dad helped and the parents and friends of one of her roomates so it was much better than we originally thought it would be.

I've tried to spend what time I could with her this summer, especially since I know she doesn't want to come back home from now on. I'll drive up a couple times a year to see her and keep in touch on the phone every couple of weeks. Plus I'm starting to email her deals when I see them and think she would like them.

She's working at Target now, so I concentrate on those deals. She gets a 10% discount on top of them making it even better for her.

I finished reading the library book Death Echo by Elizabeth Lowell. Mystery - pretty good.

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