Mom, oldest niece and I went to Manitou Springs and Old Colorado City yesterday to do the tourist thing. They are popular shopping areas for tourists in Colorado. Historic parts of Colorado Springs that have lots of old victorian style houses. Lots of little gift shops selling mostly western/indian stuff or hippie/tibetan/new age stuff. It was fun, but hot. Fortunately not as hot as last week when it was in the 90's. We are in the 'monsoon season' here and get rain most days - which is great.
I spent $4.25 on some amaretto fudge, which is my favorite and another $10 on an overpriced hamburger at one of the small restaraunts down there.
My niece loves the hippie/tebetan/new age type stores. She really into that style. Peace signs, tie-dye, beads on the door etc. I didn't care for it the first time around and it hasn't grown on me. I like solids and fall colors and simple design. But each to their own. She's got a huge tapastry to hang over her bed and some beds for her door.
Mom got some little things for gifts, mostly cards. She likes the gift stores and card stores and xmas stores.
I like the gift stores that trend towards dragons, and fairies and they had several, but I have all I need right now so wasn't tempted by anything. Still I liked looking.
I finished reading my book Freedoms Ransom by Anne McCaffrey. Sci/Fi - very good.
doing the tourist thing
July 22nd, 2010 at 07:10 pm
July 22nd, 2010 at 08:42 pm 1279827723
July 22nd, 2010 at 11:34 pm 1279838066