Home > Day 28

Day 28

July 17th, 2010 at 09:00 pm

Week 1 - $23.17, 18.32 eating out, 4.85 groceries
Week 2 - $22.28, 9.00 eating out, 13.28 groceries
Week 3 - $19.93, 7.00 eating out, 12.93 groceries
Week 4 - $17.74, 8.25 eating out, 9.49 groceries

Here's yesterday's menu

1 1/2 c cheerios
skim milk

We went to a local restaraunt and I had scrambled eggs, toast, fruit cup, small serving of potatoes. Spent $8.25

1/2 cup limocello gellato

hamburger on hearty grain roll w/tomato and cheese
large salad w/mandarin oranges, hard boiled egg, and walnuts and low cal ranch dressing
1 glass skim milk

1/2 cup limocello gellato

Today is the last day of the challenge. Will be glad when it's over.

I finished reading the library book Shalador's Lady by Anne Bishop. Sci/Fi - excellent.

2 Responses to “Day 28”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:
    1279408621 always, you did wonderful!! Now that this challenge is over...whats next? Cant wait to hear!

  2. retire@50 Says:

    thanks Ray

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