Home > Day 17

Day 17

July 6th, 2010 at 09:35 pm

Week 1 - $23.17, 18.32 eating out, 4.85 groceries
Week 2 - $22.28, 9.00 eating out, 13.28 groceries
Week 3 - $ 4.84, 00.00 eating out, 4.84 groceries
Week 4 - $00.00

Here's yesterday's menu

1 c pumpkin spiced oatmeal w/walnuts
skim milk
1/2 c juice

1 container low-cal vanilla pudding

tuna wrap
1 glass skim milk

6 oz ham - yummy
1 c garlic white bean mash
raw carrots
1 glass skim milk

peanut butter and celery

I saw the garlic white bean mash while watching Nigella Feasts. Basically mash a can of white beans in garlic flavored oil. It was ok, but I think I would just like the beans with some butter and salt better.

I got an ear of corn, 4 tomatoes and 1 1/2 lbs cherries this morning. Spent $4.84

Finished reading my book Freedom's Choice by Anne McCaffrey. Sci/Fi - very good.

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