Home > Day 15

Day 15

July 4th, 2010 at 08:16 pm

Week 1 - $23.17, 18.32 eating out, 4.85 groceries
Week 2 - $22.28, 9.00 eating out, 13.28 groceries
Week 3 - $00.00
Week 4 - $00.00

Here's yesterday's menu

1 c pumpkin spiced oatmeal
skim milk
1/2 c juice

1 deviled egg

tuna wrap
1 glass skim milk

baked potato w/honey dijon dressing
1 can chicken and noodle soup
1 glass skim milk

1 deviled egg

The challenge is halfway over now. I'm doing very well money-wise. It's more restrictive than I'm used to. I usually buy good deals when/if I see them and don't think about it too much in terms of only having so much to spend that week. I think I'll buy that this week even though I don't need it yet because I have a few dollars left in my budget, that leaves me more for next week. It's a different mindset. The eating itself is going well, still thinking about food too much in my opinion, but it is healthy and that's good.

I finished reading my book The Elusive Bride by Stephanie Laurens. Romance - pretty good. I like this author and most of her books are very good or excellent. This is the second one in the series and I just didn't think it was quite as good as many of her other ones.

2 Responses to “Day 15”

  1. crazyliblady Says:

    Hi. Other than Register Rewards from Walgreens, where do find all of your coupons. I generally am able to use no more than about $3 or $4 per week in coupons. Sometimes, with sales and coupons on some items at the grocery store, I can wind up with around $10 or $15 savings total, cutting a normal $80 to $90 shopping trip down quite a bit. I rarely get register rewards, though. Do you have to buy something special to get the, or are they given randomly?

  2. retire@50 Says:

    I subscribe to 2 issues of the Sunday Denver Post, that's the biggest paper in the state, plus my mom gives me what she doesn't want from the local paper. Usually the biggest paper has the best coupons I know the Denver Post has much better coupons than the local paper.

    I print coupons from the internet -, and are the biggest providers. You can go here for a list of printable coupons.

    Text is and Link is
    I sign up for lots of samples and they usually come with coupons. Another good source for samples and coupons is to sign up with vocalpoint at

    I get digital coupons added to my grocery loyalty cards using and and the websites of the stores I shop at such as King Soopers and Safeway. These are especially nice since you can combine them with printed coupons and use 2 coupons on one item.

    I'm on the lookout when I'm shopping for coupons in all the stores. I probably get the least amount this way, but you never know what you'll find.

    I subscribe to All You magazine, which generally has a lot of coupons every month. I paid less than a $1 an issue for my subscription. It's printed by Walmart and you can pick up a copy there if you don't want to subscribe at first.

    Hope that helps

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