Week 1 - $23.17, 18.32 eating out, 4.85 groceries
Week 2 - $22.28, 9.00 eating out, 13.28 groceries
Week 3 - $00.00
Week 4 - $00.00
Here's yesterday's menu
1 c pumpkin spiced oatmeal
skim milk
1/2 c juice
1 deviled egg
tuna wrap
1 glass skim milk
baked potato w/honey dijon dressing
1 can chicken and noodle soup
1 glass skim milk
1 deviled egg
The challenge is halfway over now. I'm doing very well money-wise. It's more restrictive than I'm used to. I usually buy good deals when/if I see them and don't think about it too much in terms of only having so much to spend that week. I think I'll buy that this week even though I don't need it yet because I have a few dollars left in my budget, that leaves me more for next week. It's a different mindset. The eating itself is going well, still thinking about food too much in my opinion, but it is healthy and that's good.
I finished reading my book The Elusive Bride by Stephanie Laurens. Romance - pretty good. I like this author and most of her books are very good or excellent. This is the second one in the series and I just didn't think it was quite as good as many of her other ones.
Day 15
July 4th, 2010 at 08:16 pm
July 4th, 2010 at 09:57 pm 1278277053
July 5th, 2010 at 09:59 pm 1278363540
I print coupons from the internet - coupons.com, redplum.com and smartsource.com are the biggest providers. You can go here for a list of printable coupons.
I sign up for lots of samples and they usually come with coupons. Another good source for samples and coupons is to sign up with vocalpoint at vocalpoint.com.
I get digital coupons added to my grocery loyalty cards using cellfire.com and shortcuts.com and the websites of the stores I shop at such as King Soopers and Safeway. These are especially nice since you can combine them with printed coupons and use 2 coupons on one item.
I'm on the lookout when I'm shopping for coupons in all the stores. I probably get the least amount this way, but you never know what you'll find.
I subscribe to All You magazine, which generally has a lot of coupons every month. I paid less than a $1 an issue for my subscription. It's printed by Walmart and you can pick up a copy there if you don't want to subscribe at first.
Hope that helps