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so are you still happy?

March 14th, 2010 at 08:28 pm

yes, yes, yes, yes - I can't tell you how much I love being retired. I haven't blogged in a long time now, but I plan to start up again. I retired August 2008. The other day I met an old office friend in the grocery store and she asked me if I was still happy with my decision. Absolutely, love it, love it, love it.

However, if you asked me what I'm doing it would be lame stuff like reading, jigsaw puzzles, walking, cooking, shopping for bargains. I can't really understand where all the time goes. It doesn't fell like I have tons of time to do nothing. There is always something, but the great part is you rarely have to do anything right this minute. There seems to be enough time to do everything and if you don't get something done today - eh there's always tomorrow. Most of the really important things are automated like paying bills.

Occassionally things come up that have to be worked on, like taxes or I recently had to find replacement health care when my COBRA coverage ended. And while there is some stress involved, mostly it's worked on a little at a time until it's done.

I've spent a lot of time in the last couple of months testing recipes that have more vegetables in them. I'm trying to find good tasting, easy recipes so I will eat more veggies. I've found I really like the taste of roasted veggies. I've tried several that I never had before like parsnips, turnips, fennel, butternut squash and zuchini. I really like the parsnips and can live with the others.

Last night I made Roasted vegetables and sausage with a mustard sauce. So good. I got the recipe from a magazine but don't remember which one. You can use a variety of veggies for this, I've done it with parsnips and fennel and last night I added zucchini since I had some left over.


1 med onion
3 med Yukon gold potatoes
3 large carrots
2 large ribs celery
½ lb beef sausage or polish kielbasa


2 tblsp lemon juice
¼ cup olive oil
1 tsp mustard
1 tsp minced garlic
½ tsp thyme
Salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 450 degrees

Cut vegetables and meat into 1 inch chunks

Put carrots and potatoes on one baking pan.

Cover with olive oil, salt and pepper and mix.

Put in oven for 15 minutes

In a big bowl make the sauce

Put onions and celery in sauce and coat.

Use a slotted spoon and put onions and celery on separate baking pan.

After the carrots and potatoes have cooked for 15 minutes add the sausage to their baking pan.

Put both baking pans back in the oven for another 15 minutes.

Put all the vegetables and meat in the bowl with the leftover sauce and mix thoroughly.

This makes 2 big meals for me.

I made some cornbread to go with it and since I had some leftover grated Gruyere cheese I sprinkled it on top. This turned out really well. I think I might try it with a Mexican blend next time, since I have some in the freezer.

I finished reading the library book The Soprano Sorceress by L. E. Modesitt Jr. Sci/Fi - pretty good.

14 Responses to “so are you still happy?”

  1. Analise Says:

    It's good to hear all is well and that you'll be blogging again. I retired in August 2008, too, and always enjoyed reading your posts. You retired @ 47 whereas I was older, so your experience can motivate others who want to retire at a younger age.

    The recipe sounds yummy and healthy. Thanks!

  2. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Good to hear from you! Glad you're enjoying retirement.

  3. CB in the City Says:

    Glad you're back! I can hardly wait to retire again! I do miss the lazy pace of retirement, but, on the other hand, I'm really glad to have good health insurance again!

    (I always found I was spending my time doing puzzles, playing games and reading, too. I hope next time I will learn to be a little more productive in retirement!)

  4. ceejay74 Says:

    Welcome back! I love oven roasted parsnips too. And I concur with Syd about the cauliflower--I never liked it until I tried it oven-roasted!

  5. Petunia Says:

    So good to see you again!

  6. baselle Says:

    Welcome back - I love oven roasted vegetables of all sorts. The mustard lemon dressing recipe reads yummy. Something new to try with roasted vegetables is tahini sauce. Cauliflower with tahini is especially good. Tahini is sesame butter, a bit like peanut butter, and they are often sold next to each other.

  7. Ima saver Says:

    Welcome back, I have missed you!!

  8. patientsaver Says:

    Another roasted veggie fan here. Usually what i do is throw cut up veggies in a plastic bag, the kind you get at the grocery store to put your fresh produce in, then i add seasoning and olive oil. So much healthier than eating veggies with mounds of butter.

    I'm 50 and would love to retire, but affordable health insurance is probably the biggest obstacle standing in my way.

  9. scottish girl Says:

    Welcome back!!

  10. retire@50 Says:

    Thanks everyone for the welcome back and advice on the veggies

  11. debtfreeme Says:

    So happy to hear that you are back!

  12. LuckyRobin Says:

    Oh, that recipe sounds yummy. And I have everything on hand except a lemon or lemon juice. I have a sour lime though. I'll try it with that.

  13. Thrifty Ray Says:

    WOW!!!! I was sooo excited to see this blog and realize you finally checked back in with your old friends! I am so happy to read that you are enjoying the fruits of your hard work and labor and YES, please keep updating us on what retirement is like!! We have MISSED you!!!

  14. elisabeth Says:

    So glad you are back!

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