Home > a very frugal wedding

a very frugal wedding

February 28th, 2008 at 05:16 pm

it's been warm enough that mom and I have been able to walk outside everyday this week so far.

Last Saturday my Uncle's cousin called him and his wife and invited them to thier wedding at 2:00 that day. Very last minute notice. They went and found out afterwards that the reason they wanted the wedding then was because the church was already decorated for a previous wedding and they planned to use the decorations while they were in place. The couple is 75 (him) and 80 years old(her). He gave her his dead wife's wedding ring and she gave him her dead husband's wedding ring. Talk about frugal Smile

I finished reading my book The Irish Devil by Diane Whiteside. Romance. Good

I read the library book Drago Harper by Anne McCaffrey and Todd McCaffrey. Sci/Fi. Ok I don't like this series as much now that her grandson is writing the books with her. I liked them better when it was just her. Still it's a good read.

Finished reading my book Trouble Looking for a Place to Happen by Toni L.P. Kelner. Mystery. Good

Finished reading the library book Shadow Music by Julie Garwood. Romance. Her books are always very good, but this one was not one of her best. My favorites of her's are The Lion's Lady and Honor's Splendour

4 Responses to “a very frugal wedding”

  1. mom-from-missouri Says:

    Hummmm...I think I would be uncomfortable wearing my DH first wifes ring, but then again, maybe I would change my mind by the time I turn 80.

  2. nance Says:

    Either they are living on a very low income, or they are champion tightwads. May they live happily ever after!

  3. baselle Says:

    Talk about champion recyclers! I think that its nice that each of them is wearing the other's deceased spouse's ring. They're married to each other, they keep their relationship to their dead spouse, and celebrate marriage at the same time. Mazel tov!

  4. luxlivingfrugalis Says:

    How great is this????


    What a nice idea to use the other decorations before they come down. I might have heard of that before, but if so I don't recall it, and I'm going to keep it in mind since I have two at home still to be married. I doubt the future YOUNG brides (whomever they might be) will go for it, but still a great suggestion!

    I think it is lovely that they can share their pasts with their previous mates with their new loves! After all the other spouses played a part in who they are now.

    Long Live Older Love Matches!!

    Thanks for sharing this story.

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