Home > Good dinner

Good dinner

January 24th, 2008 at 09:59 pm

walked with mom every day at WalMart except for Monday

Last night they finally restocked and I got 2 20Ct boxes of Electrosol dishwashing soap for .63 cents each. I had 2 $2.25 coupons. So dishwashing for about 4 cents per load.

I fixed a wonderful meal last night it tasted so good to me.

1/2 can Campbells Tomato soup

Salmon - I use Red Robin seasoning and pepper with a little olive oil. Sear on both sides and then finish in the oven

Lettuce/cabbage mix with Italian dressing and sunflower seeds

Raw veggies - celery, radishes, carrots and cherry tomatoes.

Yum, the cherry tomatoes I got at the store last week are the best I've had in a very long time. Tons of flavor when you bite into them.

Finished reading the library book Living with Less by the Mother Earth News. OK nothing spectacular

Finished reading my book Lover Unbound by J.R. Ward Supernatural/Romance. Very good.

2 Responses to “Good dinner”

  1. luxlivingfrugalis Says:

    Dinner sounds delicious.

    Looks like a deal on the dishwashing detergent.

    Nothing useful at all in the Living With Less book or just same old same old to someone with financial savy already?? or too hippie era?

  2. retire@50 Says:

    The Living with less focused on homesteading, gardening and raising animals. I didn't find much of interest for my life. It might help some people though.

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