Home > in office day

in office day

December 13th, 2006 at 03:18 am

went into work today. Several times I started to send out email telling people they needed to do something, but stopped myself. I'm trying really hard to back off on trying to keep up with everything. It's the managers job to make sure the stuff that needs to get done, does. If they don't care enough to track it why should I. But it's very hard Frown

Spent two hours uninstalling and reinstalling software. Hate that.

Went to Ruby Tuesday's with friend for lunch. Got a $25 GC and $5 bonus. Spent $35

Went to Dollar Store and bought a bunch of stuff for brothers xmas plus some xmas bags and odds and ends for me. Spent $15, $7.50 for his stuff.

I called Paragon about the broken stained glass angel and they are priority shipping another one. They said don't bother sending the other one back, give it to the goodwill or do whatever want with it. My mom is going to try to glue it. Maybe she'll get two angels.

Got the book I ordered for niece in mail today and sold one of my books and put it in the mail.

Finished reading the library book Strange Candy by Laurell K. Hamilton. Short stories. OK

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