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more good xmas deals

December 6th, 2006 at 04:06 am

walked with mom 35 min yesterday.

Went into work today. Was in a meeting with new boss from 9 - 12:30 going over changes that need to be made to make this team better. She recognizes the lack of what she calls 'equity' meaning how come I do 20 - 25% of the work every release and other people are assigned 3 days of work. Yahoo! progress, now if she can just do something about it.

Stopped at Walgreens on the way home and got some more xmas shopping done. Walgreen's had a really good deal on their 800 minute phone card. 50% off. So I got 800 minutes for $20 or 2.5 cents a minute. Got that for my Grandma.

Also got the trio of Glade candles FAR plus I had a $3 coupon so actually made $3 on that deal. Goes to my Brother for xmas.

Got the Glad Berry plugin for me. Also FAR + $1 coupon so made $1.

Got 4 bags of microwave popcorn for $1 for brother.

Got a digital thingamajig for youngest niece for $6. She likes anything electronic.

My oldest niece wanted a book called The Notebook Girls which was $22 in the store. I got in on with shipping for under $8.

Finished listening to the library book on tape Chill of Fear by Kay Hooper. Mystery. Very good.

3 Responses to “more good xmas deals”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Dang Girl! Those are some GOOD deals!! And Im sure the niece will just love her thingamajig!! Big Grin

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Please learn from my mistake that the phone card's time frame begins at purchase not from first call.

  3. paigu Says:

    Re: Anonymous's comment: Really???? Not sure if that's true. I've had phone cards that have expiration dates, but most say that they'll expire 6months after the first use. Since there's a PIN # that you have to enter, I think that's the only way they can keep track of your specific card usage. The big trick is how there's payphone surcharge, and they usually round to the higher minute.
    Otherwise, you got some great deals!

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