Home > WalMart


September 24th, 2006 at 05:44 am

walked with mom for 50 min

she made me a big batch of snickerdoodle cookies. Haven't had those since I was a kid, they were really good.

Lazy day for me, got in a good nap. Went to the new WalMart. Took a long time to get groceries since I didn't know where anything was. Not sure I'll shop there for groceries every week. The sizes of a lot of things are too big for a single person. For example the green onions were sold in a package of about 20. Way too much for a week for one. They will last for two weeks, but that's too much for two weeks too. Spent just under $45, but splurged on some big boxes of junk food, such as a 15 pack or popcorn. large can of nuts, etc.

Finished reading the library book Killer Dreams by Iris Johansen. Mystery/Romance. Very good.

2 Responses to “WalMart”

  1. debtfreeme Says:

    was the book a hard back new book or a paper back she is one of my favorites! I could read her book in a couple hours. I have to limit myself otherwise i could read all day.

  2. retire@50 Says:

    it's a hardback new book. she's one of my favorites too

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