Home > coupon learning curve

coupon learning curve

July 13th, 2006 at 05:16 am

walked with mom for 55 min

I saw that the Entertainment books were on sale for $7.99 + 1.00 shipping so went to buy another one for me and one for my parents, but the checkout says $12.99 + 4.99 shipping. Since the main page says $7.99 and click here to buy I was rather frustrated. Sent them an email to find out how to get the $7.99 price. If I buy them thru NestEggz I get an extra 21% rebated back to me. We'll see if they reply.

Walgreens has a sale on the 4.6 oz of Aquafresh this week. .99 cents. My dad said he was going so I gave him two coupons for $1.00 off. One for him and one for me. We he bought the larger size for $1.99 cost of .99 after coupon. It's a learning curve matching prices and sizes and coupons. I made him keep both of the toothpastes though since I have several tubes and I'm not going to pay for more, free is a different story. The boxes had more of those get 3 free music downloads though. So I will use those to get 6 more music downloads.

I also pointed out the Advil free after rebate and $2.00 coupon so he got a raincheck for that since they were out. My mom lost the $5 Nature Made coupon she got after I signed her up for that program. That's a high value coupon to lose. Oh well, live and learn.

Finished reading Rational Simplicity by Tim Covell. Simplicity. OK.

One of the things I liked in this book is a saying I've heard before and is what motivated me to go back to school to get my computer degree.

"Sometimes people complain that waiting 15 years for retirement is too long. They say, "in 15 years I'll be 45!" I reply, "how old will you be in 15 years if you don't save? Wouldn't you rather be 45 and free of work, than 45 and doing the same things you are doing today?"

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