Home > good mail day

good mail day

July 7th, 2006 at 05:00 am

another rainy day and another headache, but at least it cleared up enough to get my walk in. I miss it when I can't walk now.

Got free Nexus shampoo samples in the mail along with Nature Made vitamins and a coupon for a free package of cigarettes. I don't smoke, but will pass it along to my bother.

Met my parents and nieces at Chili's for dinner. Spent $7.71 and went to McDonalds for an ice cream cone later. $1.07

I gave my oldest niece the 3 Louisa May Alcott books awhile back. She finished little women and liked it and now is reading Little Men which was my favorite of the three. I'm glad she likes them. I signed the other niece up for the libraries reading program and she finished it in two weeks. She had to read 8 hours. Mom took her back today to pick up her prizes. A free book, a stuffed animal and some coupons including one for a free ice cream at Baskin Robbins. She signed up for the next level now.

Finished reading the library book Dead End by Mariah Stewart. Mystery. good.

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