walked with mom for 55 min
Got her signed up with the Nature Made program. You get a $5 coupon for the first 500 points, but for the second 500 points you get a $7 coupon. She had enough points for $12 in coupons.
Got Nexus shampoo and conditioner samples in the mail.
Watched the library DVD Mr and Mrs Smith. Very good. I thought it was really funny. Gave it to my parents to watch with strick instructions to return it on time for me to give back to the library. My mom wanted to know if I could get other DVDs from the libary and I told her I could so she had me reserve While you were sleeping. An old Sandra Bullock movie. I'm gradually bringing them into the computer age
Finished reading my book The Average Family's Guide To Financial Freedom. Finance. Very good.
May 28th, 2006 at 04:29 am
May 29th, 2006 at 12:56 am 1148860565