Home > Free HBO

Free HBO

March 18th, 2006 at 05:58 am

walked with mom for 35 min

I've got free HBO this weekend and they had some pretty good movies on tonight. Watched Chronicles of Riddick and Miss Congeniality 2.

Did finally get approval from my boss to take my vacation on my original date May 17. Filled out the booking form, and need to run it by my parents in the morning and then fax it.

Finished listening to the library book on tape White Death by Clive Cussler. Adventure. Good.

2 Responses to “Free HBO”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Thank you for mentioning the free HBO...I ran in and tried our HBO and sure enough we are having it free too! (Id have never known)... now to find out all the FREE movies for the weekend....THANK YOU!!

  2. retire@50 Says:

    you're welcome. I never know when they are going to be free, so I make it a habit to check every Friday night Smile

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