went into work today
Went to the bank and deposited the $150 rebate check and a $5 pinecone check.
Stopped at Walgreens and picked up the Adidas deoderant that's free after rebate this month and 2 jars of Jif Extra Crunchy PB. It was on sale at 2/$3 and I had a $1.00 off coupon so only $1 each. I got a raincheck and have coupons for 4 more jars. This was paid for with my Walgreen's rebate cards so no money out of my pocket.
After work I went to King Soopers for gas. Got 10 cents off/gal. Spent $19.88 paid 2.01/gal. Lowest I've seen in quite a while.
Went to KMart and got a new pair of walking shoes, some aluminum foil and ziploc bags. Spent $20.61. I buy men's tennis shoes for my walking shoes, they are cheaper, fit better and seem to provide the arch support I need.
Went to Borders and bought one new book for $7.22. Had a 15% off coupon and used my Border CC rebate card.
Read the library book Manhunt by Janet Evanovich. Romance. Real Cute, fun.
new shoes
February 22nd, 2006 at 04:25 am