walked with mom for 35 min
Sent off the $70 for the miniature class registration, but it used my last stamp, so when I got the mortgage prepayment check for $1500 ready to mail I realized I'd have to wait until I get some stamps. Hope I remember when I go to the grocery store this weekend.
My parents wanted to go out to eat tonight so they picked me up and we went to Village Inn. I had two coupons one was buy an entree and 2 drinks and get the second entree for free. I gave that one to my parents to use. My dad was pretty happy about it. The second was buy an entree and get a free piece of pie. So I got a piece of pumpkin pie that I brought home to eat tomorrow
I spent $9.82
I finished reading my book Rebel Ice by S.L. Viehl. Sci/Fi Very good. 6th in the series. I like series books when they have strong interesting characters to follow.
motrgage prepay
February 10th, 2006 at 04:24 am
February 10th, 2006 at 05:25 am 1139549127
store site is saying temporiarly closed?
thanks in advance.
it is really great that you are prepaying on your mortgage... we have paid
off three homes and still own all of them. it is a great feeling to control the
February 10th, 2006 at 02:49 pm 1139582979
Here's a couple of other sites that I haven't tried yet, but they are similar.
http://www.giftcardbazaar.com/ http://www.giftcards4less.com/
If you try them out let me know what you think