walked with mom for 55 min
Spent about 4 hours on my taxes. It was pretty easy using the TaxCut software except for the stock option part. It took me almost 2 hours to figure out the values and how to record them. I had to go back and find old emails about purchase price and market price and selling price, etc, etc...
I also spent some time on the IRS website looking for examples on how to report this. I found them and then just had to do the math. Hope I did everything right. I'm going to look at the numbers again tomorrow to make sure I entered everything correctly. Need to do that when I'm a little clearer-headed and haven't been looking at numbers all day.
If I did it right I will get $424 back from federal and owe state $51. I'm happy with that. I'll send the federal off on Monday and then wait awhile to send the state.
Finished reading the library book All Night Long by Jayne Ann Krentz. Romance. Very good.
February 5th, 2006 at 04:47 am