Walked with mom for 35 min. Walked yesterday for 35 min also.
I've worked so many hours this last two weeks I feel like I haven't done anything else. I was so tired of computers last night that I didn't even post.
Went to McDonalds for dinner tonight. $6.40 another bad thing about working long hours, I'm too tired to cook and eat right at night.
I have a 3 day weekend though. I got Monday off as comp time for working so much. I need to dig out, the house is disgusting. I also need to do my taxes and fill out all the rebate forms for my computer. I hope to get some reading in also.
Got a $5 pinecone check in the mail and a free sample of Gain detergent.
Finished reading The Musashi Flex by Steve Perry. Sci/Fi. Good.
February 4th, 2006 at 04:18 am