It was a very long day. I left for work at 7:15 and got home at 6:30. We had hurrican force winds today. 84 mph. I fought my car all the way in on the freeway, the wind was really pushing it. I saw signs on two 4 x 4 posts where the posts had broken off and the signs were down. I saw about 20 semi's parked on the side of the freeway. My car was getting pounded by flying stuff. Several trees fell down and several areas of town have no power. At least we didn't have the rain that comes with a real hurricane.
I got my 8.95 rebate for shipping and handling charges from Sears today. That came really fast.
Spent $4.79 for lunch at work, didn't feel like making anything last night.
I got a lot of really good bargains today. I went to Walgreens 3 times today. All on my route. I stopped at one before work and stopped at the same one on the way home and then stopped at another one closer to my home. I got 6 18 oz jars of extra crunchy Jif PB for $1.00 apiece. I got 18 9"x12" bubble mailers for $6, 33 cents each. I got 2 large boxes of Cheeries for $1.50 each and a rain check for 4 more boxes at $2 each. Plus I got 3 boxes of Puffs tissue for $1 each and a heating pad at 25% off and an 18 oz bottle of lotion that will be free after rebate. Total spent was $46.47 according to the reciepts I saved $56.88, plus I'll get $3.29 back in rebates.
I also went to Longs after work and got 24 cans of Chicken Broth at .25 cents each. I also got 8 AAA Duracell batteries for $1.50 and I bought two free after rebate items that I had $3 in coupons for so I will actually make money on those two items when I get the rebate. Total spent $16.63 $10.00 of which will be rebated.
Went to the bank and deposited 3 rebate checks and a roll of quarters, which adds $45.79 to my extra fund.
Then I went to Kmart and started going broke saving money. I only recently heard that expression and it certainly fits today. But I don't regret it at all. I bought two pair of pants that are the kind I always get. Normal price is $16 and they were on sale for $12 so that's 25% off. I bought one pair in my current size and one pair in a smaller size so that when I eventually walk another size off, they will be available. I also got a knit hat to wear walking when it's cold out for $5. But where I really splurged was on a black lambskin coat. Very nice and I liked it a lot. $129.99, which is a very good price, but I hadn't really planned to spend that much for a coat. Oh well, like I said I don't regret it. I got something I like and will wear alot. My last coat is 9 years old, so I tend to wear my coats out and get a lot of value on a per wear basis. Total spent $170.74. I did have almost $100 in discounted gift cards with me so I got a little bit more off the total price.
Total spent so far this month = 71.45
Total spent on clothes = 170.74 - was only supposed to be $100 - blew that
Total spent on stock up bargains = 15.00
going broke saving money
November 4th, 2005 at 04:24 am