Home > Aug goals

Aug goals

September 1st, 2005 at 03:46 am

walked 45 min with mom

Went to Taco Bell and spent $7.12

Total for the month = $309.89

Here's the breakdown for the month

Groceries = 151.59
Fast Food = 31.50
Restaurants = 23.33
Nieces = 1.45
Clothes = 0
Books = 0
Gas = 46.72
HBAs = 17.46
Entertainment = 0
Other = 37.84

Gifts = 145.44 - (not included in the $400 budget)

My goals for Aug were

1. Only spend $400 for groceries, gas, entertainment, clothes, household basics and misc.
Did really well on this goal $90 under budget

2. Walk at least 15 times this month for at least 30 minutes each time.

3. Only go to fast-food restaurants four times and only eat at regular restaurants four times.
Missed this by 1 for the fast-food and was one under for restaurants so evened out

4. Save $880 above my 401K contribution
Saved $1135 + my bonus of 865 for $2000 total

5. Cook meals at least 2 times a week.

So made 4 out of 5 goals and could call the 3rd one a draw.

Also computed my networth and it went up 1.8% last month. A lot of my stock funds fell due to the hurricane and gas prices. Oh well, at least it didn't decrease.

Finished listening to the library book on tape The Ideal Bride by Stephanie Laurens. Romance. Very good

1 Responses to “Aug goals”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Wow, you had a great month. Congratulations! I'd even argue that the eating out thing was more than a draw, because eating the extra time at the fast food place was probably a lot cheaper than eating out at the restaurant...

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