Home > new CC

new CC

August 30th, 2005 at 04:16 am

walked with mom 55 min

Sent off my August Walgreens rebate for $10.00. This was a great deal, buy $10 worth and get $10 back, plus I had a buy one get 1 free coupon on 1 item and 50 cents off the other item so ended up getting 3 items free + 50 cents + 10% more for using the Walgreens card + 5% more for using a CC that rewards for drugstore purchases. So instead of spending 13.49 I get 3 free items + $1.25 cash. Good deal Smile

Got my new Sony Visa card, it's supposed to give me $100 after the first use. Don't know when I'll use it though maybe tomorrow when I go into work, but don't think I need to buy anything except gas and I plan to use my Discover card for that since it's giving 5% back till Aug 31. Maybe I'll think of something I need on the way in tomorrow Smile

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