walked with mom 55 min
Got my mail this morning and the discounted credit cards I purchased Wednesday came. So it took about 3 days. Also got the form from Great Fun to fill out for the $20 Gift Card for Exxon/Mobile. Filled it out and sent it.
Went to Safeway this morning for produce and a newspaper. Saved 30% on sales. Spent $9.44
Next went to Albertson's just to get corn on the cob also on sale and spent $2.00
Then went to Longs where my sunflower seeds were 30% off and spent $4.95
All of these stores were on my way so I didn't make any special trips, just start and stop.
Next stop was Media Play. It was a triple points day. If you don't know Media Play has a program were you join their replay club for $7.95 and get 1 pt for every dollar you spend. When you spend 100 dollars you get a $5 rebate. However on triple points days, which happen about once a month, you get triple points or about 15% back on each dollar spent. I only shop their on triple points days and I also get 4% back by using my Nesteggz credit card. If you decide to buy a membership only buy a one year one because on triple points days they renew the membership for free. I didn't know that and bought a two year membership I buy a lot of their stuff around xmas and for the nieces birthdays. They like computer games and CDs. I also buy several books each month for myself. I had a $5 rebate so after the rebate I spent $18.33 and I'll get 19% of that back in rebates.
After Media Play I met my family at Macaroni Grill for my sister's b-day. My parents paid for everyone so no out of pocket money.
Total money spent for month so far = $277.59
Circuit City has an AMD Sempron laptop for $549 and it has all the bells and whistles I've been looking for. I've saved up for a new laptop in my short-term savings fund and I've just been waiting for the right deal. I'm going to do some more research on it tomorrow and will probably buy it Wednesday after work.
I read Stolen Magic by M. J. Putney Romance/Fantasy It was pretty good. Good mindless read by which I mean it keeps your attention but doesn't force you to think to hard
sister's b-day
July 25th, 2005 at 05:13 am