Walked with mom and sis today for 40 min. Sis invited herself along which is fine. While we were walking she started complaining about their finances. She's married and has two girls. Between the two of them they make $160,000 base salary. Plus he's a contractor who does side jobs for extra money and she gets several bonuses a year. They've been making over a $100,000 a year for most of their married life.
Anyways, she started saying how they can't get a break. They got a bill for her husband's car registration - @$500 and it wiped them out. So I said something like didn't you know you were going to have to pay that and a good way to handle it would be to put some money aside every month for bills like that. She jumped down my throat and said they haven't had more than $1000 in their checking for over 2 years and blah, blah,blah. Life is tough.
I'm sorry, but I just don't have any sympathy for them anymore. They live in a huge house on 5 acres and both of them bought brand new vehicles last year. They have less than $5000 saved for the girls college funds and the oldest is 14 - she only has 4 years until college. I realize I don't know all of their finances, but give me a break, they're bringing home over $10,000 a month!! Oh well, she's my sister and just has to breathe to push my buttons, but this is a trigger for me and if I offer any suggestions on ways to handle their finances better, I get it shoved back in my face. It's ok to complain about the situation, but god forbid you actually do anything to resolve it.
Ok enough of that subject.
I finished reading Saving on a Shoestring - How to cut expenses, Reduce Debt, Stash More Cash by Barbara O'Neill. I wouldn't recommend this one. I thought it was a boring read and there was nothing new that I hadn't already read before.
Only one more work day till the weekend. Yippee!!
No sympathy
June 24th, 2005 at 04:40 am
June 24th, 2005 at 07:07 am 1119593268
It could be worse, though. Your family might realize that you've saved up a fair amount and will try to hit you up.
April 28th, 2006 at 01:23 pm 1146226998
Small world, isn't it?