Home > Nestegg


June 16th, 2005 at 01:14 am

Walked with mom for 40 minutes.

I've read several journals now and I've seen ING mentioned several times. I got a similar deal last year through This is a rebate site that gives you a percentage of your purchase price back. They are affiliated with a Mastercard that gives you 1% back on all purchases and 3% back on gasoline purchases, but the card is not necessary to shop through the site. The sign-up is free.

The deal that reminds me of the ING deal is under financial services and is for Net Bank. This is an online bank and if you open a money-market account with $500 for 6 months they give you two $25 rebates: one for opening the account and one for keeping $500 in the account for 6 months. I did this last year and actually got the full $50 rebate in the second month. I left my money in there for 6 months and then canceled the account. That's a 10% interest rate on top of their regular interest rate.

Nesteggz offers a wide variety of rebates on financial services, telecommunications and even refinancing your home as well as internet shopping rebates. And if you set up a new long-distance account with one of their companies you save 6% a month on the bill.

Another one of my favorites here is a 10% rebate when purchasing certificates from 11% if you use the card.

Also at Christmas I was buying some stuff on Amazon and after I got the final price I used the Nesteggz site to buy an email Gift certificate from I got the email certificate in 10 minutes and because it's an email certificate there are no fees and no shipping charges. I got a 5% rebate from Gift Certificates plus a 1% rebate from the credit card. I used the email certificate to complete my purchase and saved an extra 6% on the price. I see that they don't offer gift certificates anymore, but they do offer others such as Barnes and Nobel.

So far I've gotten 3 checks from them for $133 in the last year. If you want they will either send you a check anytime your account gets to $25 or they will deposit that amount in a retirement fund of your choice.

This is the type of savings that I like the most. Painless Smile Getting back money for doing something I would do anyways and a very small amount of time involved.

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