Home > Monday


June 14th, 2005 at 02:57 pm

I'm the fast food/frozen foods queen. One of my goals this year is to eat less processed food and cook at least two times a week.

I did my food prep for the week. Chopped celery, green onions and radishes. Boiled eggs. Packaged grapes into portions. I've found that if I have everything ready to go, it's much easier to eat better - no excuses Smile

I had celery, peanut butter and grapes for breakfast.
Baked potato with green onions and mozzarella, hard-boiled egg and radishes for lunch.
Cheeseburger with grilled onions on an English Muffin, corn on the cob, and sliced tomatoes for dinner.

I like English muffins instead of hamburger buns. I think they have more flavor.
I butter and salt the corn while it's cold and wrap it in waxed paper and put it in the microwave for 3 minutes, (4 if frozen). Yummm! The butter melts on the corn and it's so much easier/faster than boiling water and then trying to butter hot corn.

Walked with mom for 45 minutes.

I just finished reading Getting a Life by Jacqueline Blix and David Heitmiller. Excellent, excellent book. It basically tells stories about how people applied the steps in Your Money or Your Life by Joe Dominques and Vicki Robin to allow them to retire early. Made me feel like I could leap tall buildings in a single bound - or at least meet my goal of retiring early. Smile

I'm obsessed with this subject. My family and friends are probably tired of hearing me talk about it, but now I have a new way of talking about it. I can write about it here and possibly save their ears - but probably not. Smile

1 Responses to “Monday”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Getting a Life sounds like a good title. Will have to see if its at the public library. this summer, I've been doing as much reading as possible and find that it really gives me a mental vacation from the usual routine and also helps in re-orienting ones outlook. Smile

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