Home > The Frugalista Files - book review

The Frugalista Files - book review

February 27th, 2012 at 10:19 pm

ytd = April 1 2011 - March 31, 2012
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RX total = 446.66
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Total = 2,720.75

I got this book from the library. It's written by Natalie P. Neal and she has a blog. It's basically about her deciding to be more frugal in 2008 and her year changing her ways from spendthrift to frugal, yet still retaining a fabulous life. According to her that's travel, entertainment and fashion. It was an interesting read. She writes well and it's entertaining. There are no new ground-breaking frugal ideas, but it's still worth reading. I liked it.

I went to Walgreens this morning to get some more sunflower seeds. They are on sale 3/$5 normally 3 would cost $7.47 so a good sale. I bought 6 and used one of the $10 register rewards I got yesterday so nothing out of pocket.

I've already got 50 swagbucks so far today, between searching, the toolbar, the daily poll, swagbucks TV and several codes they are giving out for their birthday, I'm doing fairly well. Might get a few more before the day is over.

I finished reading the library book Heart of Steel by Meljean Brook. Sci/Fi - excellent. Very creative and original, love this series.

3 Responses to “The Frugalista Files - book review”

  1. Miz Pat Says:

    I love your sci-fi recommends.

    Glad you are doing so well.

  2. HouseHopeful Says:

    I enjoy the book reviews as well. I've noticed we have some authors in common Smile

  3. retire@50 Says:

    I'm glad you like the book reviews, I've always enjoyed sharing my love of books with others. I especially like finding a new author and telling others who like the same kinds of books I do about the new author.

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