Home > house hunting

house hunting

February 20th, 2011 at 08:59 pm

I went house hunting with my sister and her friend who's a realtor. We saw 5 places, 4 of them contender's. I think it's very premature to start looking for houses now, since they aren't selling very well here and her house will be hard to sell because of where it's located. It's basically on the prairie and a horse property with a huge barn. 1/2 drive from anywhere. You have to have the right person to buy.

But she can't stand to sit still and has to go out looking, even though everything she's liked so far has sold already. She hasn't gotten a serious offer on her place and it's been on the market for 5 months. But I like looking at houses so no biggie for me. The stuff she's looking at is a lot smaller than what she has and stuff under $300K is selling.

We went to Arby's for lunch and I spent $3.30. Then my parents came home from a trip upto Cripple Creek and Victor and mom wanted to walk. So I did that and then they wanted to go out to eat and to the grocery store afterwards. It started pouring rain, which is extremely rare in February here. This whole year has been weird weather wise.

We went to Chili's and I spent $10.29 and brought half my California Club sandwich home for tonight. Paid with one of my discounted gift cards.

At King Soopers I got paid $3 to buy $17+ worth of groceries.

-13.47 - coupons
-3.00 - Daytona sale wyb 10
-1.20 - Pharmacy RX
FREE + I got a coupon for $3 OYNO

I did the Daytona 500 sale where if you buy 10 items you get $3 off at the cash register and a $3 coupon off on your next order.

2.99 - Reese's Puffs cereal
-2.99 - free item from playing the King Soopers Daytona game
-.55 - ecoupon from cellfire
-.30 - Daytona wyb 10 sale
(.85) - moneymaker - I was surprised the cellfire coupon came off as well as the free item coupon. This will go to the food pantry

2.58 - 2 Totinos pizza rolls
-.80 - .40/2 q doubled
-.40 - ecoupon from cellfire
-.60 - Daytona wyb 10 sale
.78 or .39/each

6.36 - 4 cans Campbell's chunky soup
-1.20 - Daytona wyb 10 sale
-2.00 - 2 $1/2 q's
3.16 or .79/each

2.97 - 3 cans Chef boyardee
-.90 - Daytona wyb 10 sale
-.70 - .35/3 q doubled
1.37 - .46/each - goes to food pantry

1.79 - 1 can whole wheat Chef boyardee
-1.50 - free wyb 3 chef boyardee q - up to $1.50
.29 - goes to food pantry

.98 - 1 large tube Colgate toothpaste
.08 - taxes
-.98 - .50 q doubled
.08 - goes to food pantry

I also used a .55 cellfire q that I had to use on anything and a $3 OYNO q from the last Daytona deal I did. And I finished paying with $1.20 of my Pharmacy redemption reward of $1.20. No money out of pocket and another coupon for $3 OYNO.

I finished reading the library book The Iron Duke by Meljean Brook. Sci/Fi - excellent. She is so imaginative, her books are great. If you like Patricia Briggs or Laurel K. Hamilton or J. R. Ward, you will like her books.

1 Responses to “house hunting”

  1. J-Money Says:

    very impressive on the coupon savings!! great job - I am new to couponing and struggle locally to get multiple coupons to apply (digital & paper) sometimes I think I'm getting both but only one will work. Definitely a let-down! I do have high hopes of figuring it out soon and becoming more savvy at the entire process. The problem is I have 3 very busy girls playing multiple sports, a husband who is a coach and always on the go plus I also work full time so I have difficulty finding time to study the sales and match up coupons to maximize the savings, etc. have a great week! ;-)

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