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doing a good job

April 24th, 2007 at 03:34 am

The weatherman is calling for snow tonight and tomorrow. We'll see. Right now there is a nice lightening storm. I love to watch those. I don't like the headache the weather is bringing thou, could do without that.

I don't know if it's just my company or everyone, but it seems like people just don't do their jobs anymore. We get paid very well at my company for the jobs we do. In my mind when I hired on I agreed to give the company value for the money they paid me. I would work hard and make them money and they would reward me with raises and promotions etc. The raises and promotions in the first few years and the last year have been very good. Some of the middle years when we going thru bankruptcy weren't so great. But overall I'm hapy with what I make. Even so I feel like the company gets a bargain in me.

I do more work than 5 other people put together on our team. And that wouldn't bother me so much except that more and more I find instances where other people didn't do their jobs at all and their are no consequences for that. I recently got a new assignment and I went checking for documentation on how to do it. My first clue that is was going to be bad was when the person who had been assigned to it for the last year didn't have any.

So I finally found some documents that were a couple years old. Basically what it is, is I need to run a twice weekly report telling me what errors exist on a certain system and then let people know which ones of their accounts have errors. So I went looking for the last file that was run. It had not been run since February of last year!

This person had not done their job for over a year. The report was a mess. It was so large I had to tell the system to give it more memory so it could run. There is no way to clean up a years worth of errors in two weeks. I was really ticked off and told my manager about the situation. Bottom line I have to clean it up the best I can and the other person didn't even get asked why they hadn't run this for a year. That really stinks.

I see examples like this all the time at work anymore. Other people don't do their jobs but report they are complete and then I get the assignment and have to work a lot of extra hours to clean up after them. Don't they care that they are taking the companies money falsely? It's like stealing to me, to not do the job you are given and taking a salary.

I keep telling my mom she raised me all wrong. She raised me with a conscience and feelings of guilt when I don't do something right. So it's all her fault. Smile She's ok with the blame for that since my sister blames her for not giving her everything she wanted as a teenager and my brother blames my parents for not giving him a job his whole life. She'll take the blame for my problem. Smile

Finished reading Innocence in Death by J.D. Robb. Mystery. Love these books, they are so good.

2 Responses to “doing a good job”

  1. robex Says:

    I know exactly what you're talking about! When I ran the restaurant we always had 19-24 year olds starting off as busers and servers...I'd be on them constantly about the smallest details. There was no sense of pride or accomplishment in their work and it drove me nuts.

    I remember when I started as a server and the bartender gave me the best advice I ever got from anyone. He said,"Pretend your section is your own small business and it belongs solely to you. Now how do you want to handle your company? The chairs, tables and everything on them is yours. When the customers arrive, they're yours and well. When you order the food and drinks that's for your business..."etc. These were words of wisdom that I apply to everything I house, my family, my work now.

    It's difficult to get lazy people to smarten up!

  2. robex Says:

    I know exactly what you're talking about! When I ran the restaurant we always had 19-24 year olds starting off as busers and servers...I'd be on them constantly about the smallest details. There was no sense of pride or accomplishment in their work and it drove me nuts.

    I remember when I started as a server and the bartender gave me the best advice I ever got from anyone. He said,"Pretend your section is your own small business and it belongs solely to you. Now how do you want to handle your company? The chairs, tables and everything on them is yours. When the customers arrive, they're yours as well. When you order the food and drinks, that's for your business..."etc. These were words of wisdom that I apply to everything I house, my family, my work now.

    It's difficult to get lazy people to smarten up!

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