Home > The Perfect Day

The Perfect Day

November 7th, 2006 at 04:02 am

I started a new book at midnight last night. I was just going to read a few pages, but it was so good I ended up reading the whole thing. Went to bed at 4:30 this morning. But it didn't matter because I didn't have to be up at any certain time. I love that!

Woke up at 9:30 anyways and walked with mom for 50 min. Then I spent the whole day reading. My idea of the perfect day.

Read my book Consipiracy Game by Christine Feehan. Romance. Excellent.

Read the library book Motor Mounth by Janet Evanovich. Romance. Very Good

Read Crazy Sweet by Tara Janzen. Romance. Very Good.

2 Responses to “The Perfect Day”

  1. rduell Says:

    My idea of a perfect day too!

  2. Sunshine Suz Says:

    Hello Retire at 50,

    I am 54, also single, and am READY to retire!!! I was playing with my numbers last night and still have a way to go and then will probably need to get a part time job to supplement till SS. BUT that will be better than full time working.

    Would you mind sharing- What is your magic number that you want to have in savings, Investments, ect. when you Retire @ 50?

    Thank you so much,
    Sunshine Suz

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