Home > 45 years old

45 years old

January 11th, 2006 at 05:11 am

walked with mom for 55 min

Today is my 45th birthday only 5 years left to meet my goal of retiring at 50. I made last years investment goal so it's still looking good on paper. I'm right on track.

I got a $10 AMEX card today for a survey I did awhile back, may have been a link from this site.

I interviewed 3 more people at work today for new jobs. But we still have the same problem with communication for all of them. We haven't found one American with the skills we're looking for in the past year, they are all Indian. If anyone is in the IT field and you have an opportunity to get training in the Mercury Interactive suite of test tools, you should go for it. The pay level is very good 70K+ I think it's pretty smart of the Indians to get the training in the area that is most marketable, I just have a hard time communicating with them and was hoping not to have that level of stress added to training new people. We'll definetely hire one of the ones we interviewed today and might hire another one. We had so much trouble understanding him over his cell phone, we couldn't tell if the problem was him or the phone, so we plan to do a follow up interview.

My mom fixed a Thanksgiving dinner for me tonight for my b-day. Turkey, mashed potatoes, corn, salad and rolls. It's always my favorite. It was so good, but I skipped the ice cream afterwards I was too full, plus it's not really something I should have anyways. Then we played cards for a couple of hours.

5 Responses to “45 years old”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Happy birthday Smile

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Happy Birthday!

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Sounds like you had a nice close to the day. Happy Birthday! Smile

  4. Anonymous Says:

    Happy B-day! I had no idea we were close in age. The lack of cynicism(sp?) led me to believe you were alot younger!

    BTW, I love your focus on retireing early.

  5. Anonymous Says:

    Happy Birthday and thank you for sharing it wirh us! Smile

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