Home > 2 more car payments

2 more car payments

September 27th, 2005 at 03:16 am

walked with mom 50 min

Went to the post office this morning and bought 100 1 cent stamps and sent my latest book off. Spent $3.24

I forgot about returning an item to Kmart last week so that adds $6.72 back to my budget.

Total spent so far this month = $411.56 I think once you break your budget it's like cheating on a diet. Once you do it you figure oh well, I already blew it I might as well have a bowl of ice cream or spend another $10. I have been in a spending mood all week and I just hope I can keep it somewhat under control when I go in town tomorrow.

Made a car payment today so now I only have two to go. Yippee!!

I finished reading the library book Enemy by Lee Child. Mystery. Very good.

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